¿Estás buscando información sobre brokers de trading y plataformas de trading no autorizados y potencialmente peligrosos? Has llegado al lugar indicado. En este artículo te proporcionamos una lista negra actualizada basada en la información de diversas autoridades de regulación financiera, incluyendo la CNMV, CONSOB, FCA y otros organismos a nivel mundial. Además, te explicaremos cómo identificar un broker estafa y qué pasos seguir si has sido víctima de una estafa.
Lista Negra de Brokers de Trading y Plataformas de Trading Estafa
A continuación, encontrarás una lista de brokers de trading y plataformas de trading que han sido identificados como estafadores por diversas autoridades regulatorias. Esta lista se actualiza periódicamente basándose en las publicaciones de la CONSOB y otras entidades de supervisión.
Broker | URL | Reportado por | Fecha |
Bcs-gm | https://my.bcs-gm.com | CONSOB - Italia | 23-06-2028 |
Mestieriplaza | http://www.mestieriplaza.com | CONSOB - Italia | 23-06-2028 |
Segurofx | https://my.segurofx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 23-06-2028 |
Nasbinary | http://www.nasbinary.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ssga Pro / Dbrs Morningstar | http://www.ssgalimited.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyocredit.io | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Ucfx Markets / Bl Markets | https://blmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Stellarcapitalltd.com | http://www.karbonate-minerals.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Gkfx / Cfd.gkfx-global.io | https://gkfx-global.io | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Tinvest Group | http://www.tinvest.group | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyotrade.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Fredtrading | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063625837752 | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Ubitex | https://www.ubitex.com/en | SC - Malesia | 14-10-2024 |
Nexxt2you | http://www.nexxt2you.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Fredtrading | https://www.instagram.com/fredtrading/?hl=da | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Tosta Global Limited | http://www.gildencrestcapital.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
The People’s Reserve | http://www.thepeoplesreserve.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Exclusive Markets | https://www.exclusivemarkets.com | SC - Malesia | 14-10-2024 |
Gexbit | http://www.gexbit.ai | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Global Minners Fx Ltd | http://www.globalminnersfx.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Auxiifund.com / Auxiifund | https://auxiifund-trade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Active Media Group Limited | https://housingdisrepair-claim.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Global-Tradinglimited | http://www.global-tradingltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Corporate Avenue | https://corp-avenue.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Cryptocapital-Elite / Cryptocapital-Investment | https://cryptocapital-investment.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Blockchain Investments | http://www.blockchaininvestments.finance | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
$Water | https://watercoin.wtf | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Swiftfxtrading.app | http://www.swiftfxtrading.app | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Cryption-Ico.com / Cryption-Ico | https://cryption-ico.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Chaze Investment Option | https://chazeinvestmentoption.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Crypto Leap Pro | https://cryptoleappro.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
$Time | https://time.meme | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Banker Quotes | http://www.bnkquotes.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Cryptocapital-Elite / Cryptocapital-Investment | https://cryptocapital-elite.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
$Beer | https://beercoin.wtf | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Vourteige | http://www.vourteige.co | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 14-10-2024 |
Golden Targets | http://www.goldentargets.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Ellev8 | http://www.ellev8yourlife.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Starwell | http://www.starwellex.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Cryptocurrency Predictors | http://www.ccpredictors.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-10-2024 |
Ellev8 | http://www.poweredbyigo.com/ellev8 | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Kfx Financial Market | http://www.kfxfinmarket.live | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Groventia.xyz / Groventia | https://groventia.xyz | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Bad Credit Lends | http://www.badcreditlends.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.myblockchainid.io | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Inco-Trustcapital.com | http://www.inco-trustcapital.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ofp Funding - Finteknologyltd | http://www.ofpfunding.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Futurewisehub.com / Futurewisehub / Future Wise Hub | https://futurewisehub.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Saltaire Finance | https://www.saltairefinanceplc.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyobanq.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://aaqholding.com | Qatar | 14-10-2024 |
Atex Coin | https://atexcoin.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Utrainvestment.online / Utrainvestment | https://utrainvestment.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Trytrade | http://www.tryetrade.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Okex-Trade | http://www.okex-trade.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Stellarcapitalltd.com | http://www.stellarcapitalltd.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Winstone Investment Group | http://www.winstoneinvestmentgroup.net | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Bstepminer.com / Bstep Miner | https://bstepminer.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ellev8 | http://www.llev8.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Rec-Investpro | http://www.rec-investing.pro | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
International Reserve | https://internationalreserve.net | BCSC - British Columbia | 14-10-2024 |
Onyx Group Limited | https://onyx-group-ltd.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Wealthbridge Invest | http://www.wealthbridgeinvest.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyotravel.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Bad Credit Lends | http://www.badcreditlendss.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Coindexltd.com / Coindex Limited | https://coindexltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Bemo Investment Firm Ltd. | http://www.bemoinvestmentfirmltd.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Elenoxone | http://www.elenoxone.io | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
London Tradings | https://londontradings.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Apex Analytics | https://apexanalytics.pro | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.wewe.global | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Bluecrest.pro | http://www.bluecrest.pro | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Bad Credit Lends | http://www.badcreditlendsorg.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Cxipro | http://www.cxipro.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Zorafex | https://fargofx.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Elite Fx Connect | http://www.elitefxconnect.live | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ic Gblobal Market Fx Limited | http://www.icglobalmarketfx.top | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
DHJ Real Estate Company Ltd | http://www.ico-estatechain.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-10-2024 |
Express Options | http://www.expressoptions.net | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Wealthmaximizertrade | http://www.wealthminimizertrade.live | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Swiftassetscapital | http://www.swiftassetscapital.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Trade Folder | https://tradefolder.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-10-2024 |
Solomon And Leonis Capital Group | http://www.solomonandleonis.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Cadre Traders | https://cadre-traders.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
www.starwinning-invest.com | http://www.starwinning-invest.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Coin Splash | https://coin-splash.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ssga Pro / Dbrs Morningstar | http://www.dbrspro.net | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
StoxInvest | https://stoxinvest.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 14-10-2024 |
Fbmlimited | http://www.fbmlimited.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Parkheadcap.org | http://www.parkheadcap.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Synth Trade / Synth.Trade / Synth-Trade | http://www.synth-trade.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Tmt Trades | https://tmttrades.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyomerchant.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Stake Your Claim | https://stakeyourclaimltd.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyowallet.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Coinstacc | http://www.coinstacc.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
The People’s Choice | http://www.thepeopleschoice.nz | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Manfradytrade | http://www.manfradytrade.com | KNF - Polonia | 14-10-2024 |
Catalystasset.one / Catalyst Asset | https://catalystasset.one | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.bit.ly/wewelink;lyopay.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Ronex-Coin | http://www.ronex-coin.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Unique Plus Investment | https://uniqueplusinvestment.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Smartgeek-digital.com / Financial Limited | http://www.smartgeek-digital.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Manfradytrade | http://www.manfreditrade.com | KNF - Polonia | 14-10-2024 |
Golden Targets | http://www.goldentargets.net | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Trade Folder | https://tradefolder.com/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-10-2024 |
Peathorna Global | http://www.peathorna.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Ilimits Invest Limited | https://nz.ilimits.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Zorafex | https://zorafex.fargofx.ltd/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.cloudminting.co | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Crypto Speed Ai | https://cryptospeedai.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyotechlabs.comor | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Cryptoguides aka Crypto Guides | http://www.cryptoguide.uk | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Invested Capital / Ic Solutions | http://www.invested-capital.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Epicassets.net | http://www.epicassets.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ai Cfd Pro | http://www.aicfdpro.net | AMF - Quebec | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.tbe.io | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Bemo Investment Firm Ltd. | http://www.bemoinvestmentfirmltd.vip | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Torotrade Pro | http://www.torotradepro.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.ifi.io | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
SuitsFx / Suitsfx | http://www.suitsfx.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Verdantcore Credit Union | http://www.verdantcu.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Lumine Trade | http://www.lumineltd.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-10-2024 |
Kane Lpi Solutions Ltd | http://www.kanesol.com | ASC - Alberta | 14-10-2024 |
Ibuumerang | http://www.ibuumerang.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Plaza Funds Management | http://www.plazafundsmanagement.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Cbtrex | http://www.cbtrex.com | KNF - Polonia | 14-10-2024 |
Helvetica Vermögensverwaltung | https://helvetica-vv.com | FINMA - Suiza | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.t.me/lyoswapbot | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Altra Fx Prime | https://altrafxprime.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Ilimits Invest Limited | https://ilimits.com/home | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Golfclubcapital.Com / Golf Club Capital | https://golfclubcapital.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Options Forex Traders | http://www.optionforextraders.pro | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
www.bx-swiss.net | http://www.bx-swiss.net | FINMA - Suiza | 14-10-2024 |
Crown Investment | http://www.crowninvestment.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Bad Credit Lends | http://www.badcreditlend.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 14-10-2024 |
Wewe Global / The Blockchain Era / Lyopay | http://www.lyopay.pro | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
Uoncrypto | http://www.uoncrypto.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 14-10-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.one | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
Hf Investments | https://hf-investments.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
HF Investments | https://hf-investments.trade | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
GMT Brokers Ltd | https://gmtbrokers.net | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139a.com | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.lol | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
First State Investments Ireland Limited | https://webtrader.fsi247.io | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
Gmt Brokers Ltd | https://portal.tradingfxapp.app | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
HF Investments | https://web.hf-investments.live | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
First State Investments Ireland Limited | https://client.fsi247.io | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.nl | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
For Trade Ltd | https://client.acmarketscfd.net | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
First State Investments Ireland Limited | http://www.fsi247.io | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
For Trade Ltd | https://acmarketscfd.net | CONSOB - Italia | 11-10-2024 |
Coinrisen | https://coinrisen.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcore Momentum | https://bitcoremomentum.org | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Capmasters | https://cap-masters.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Pinnaclesaveltd.top | http://www.pinnaclesaveltd.top | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Cubri Asset Management | http://www.cubriassets.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Ledgible | https://ledgible.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Bit Profit | https://bitprofitapp.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Coinrisen | https://coinrisen.org | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
M.Security-Coin | https://m.security-coin.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Streemcoinx.co | http://www.streemcoinx.co | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://www.guardianltd.co.uk | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Ahp Capital | https://ahpcmg.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bit Gpt | https://bitgpt.org | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Immediate Gp | https://immediate-gp.org/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Curion Finance | https://curion-finance.ltd | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Universal Capital Holding | http://www.universalcapitalholding.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Curion Finance | https://curion-finance.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Immutable Profit | https://immutable-profit.com/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Lbank / Lbk Blockchain Co. Limited | https://www.lbank.com/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Ava Tradeez | https://www.avatradeez.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Concord Services | http://concord-services.org/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Trade211 / Hooya Plus Capital Inc | https://www.trade211.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Trademirror | http://www.trademirror.online | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Bit Profit | https://bitprofitapp.net | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bit Profit | https://bit-profit.io | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Wiseling | https://jnrcrypto.wixsite.com/crypto | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcore Momentum | https://bitcoremomentum.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
World Blockchain Organization | https://uwnbo.info/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Immutable Evex Bot | https://immutableevex.com/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Recovery AI | https://recovery-ai.org/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Te Holding | http://www.tegroup.io | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Apmetrade / Apmetrade B.V. | https://apmetrade.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Nexos Trade Ltd | https://nexostrade.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
www.irisfinancekg.net, www.irisfinancekg.org | http://www.irisfinancekg.net | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://beltonaccounting.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Capital Finexp | https://capital-finexp.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bitvestment | https://bitvestment.org | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcity | https://bitcity.ac/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Guaranteeswift | http://www.guaranteeswift.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Immediate Gp | https://theimmediategpapp.com/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Mbn | https://mbnxby.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Jfd Group | https://www.jfdbrokers.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcoin Kpex Ai | https://bitcoin-kpex-ai.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Akin | http://www.akin.com.co | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
www.irisfinancekg.net, www.irisfinancekg.org | http://www.irisfinancekg.org | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcity | https://bitcity.cc/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcoin Kpex Ai | https://bitcoinkpexai.org | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Coinex Max | https://coinexmax.hk | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Pulse-Traders | https://pulse-traders.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://mt5finance.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
Immediate Edge | https://immediate-edge.io | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Mp Wealth Corp Group Sarl | http://www.mpwealthcorp.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Bitvestment | https://bitvestment.app | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Immediate Gp | https://theimmediategp.com/es | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Londoncapitalfx.eu | https://londoncapitalfx.eu | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Te Holding | http://www.te-holding.info | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 04-10-2024 |
Bitcoin Millionaire | https://the-bitcoin-millionaire.com | CNMV - España | 04-10-2024 |
Trade Control | http://www.tradecontrol.org | FSMA - Bélgica | 04-10-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.fun | CONSOB - Italia | 25-09-2024 |
Xmtoro.com | https://account.xmtoro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-09-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 25-09-2024 |
Xmtoro.com | https://xmtoro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-09-2024 |
2139 Exchange | https://2139.online | CONSOB - Italia | 25-09-2024 |
Stocket | http://www.stocket.me | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
Multibank Group | https://multibankfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
FCapital24 | https://fcapital24.org | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
Multibank Group | https://my.multibankfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
TGFInvest | http://www.tgfinvest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
TGFInvest | https://my.fxmt.tech/platforms | CONSOB - Italia | 20-09-2024 |
Xhpx Global Pro | http://www.xhpxpro.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Neopanda | https://neopanda.net/gr | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Xpress Trade | https://xpress-trade.org | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
www.log.monacces-privee.com | http://www.log.monacces-privee.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 13-09-2024 |
www.spireinvestltd.com | http://www.spireinvestltd.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 13-09-2024 |
Trust Financial Group Ltd. | https://tfg.finance/de/main | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Peak | https://mars-e.bottomwriter.care/ | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Frontier | http://www.immediate-frontier-com.crypto-market-world.com/de/ | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Infinite-ct / Infinite - Ct Ltd | https://infinite-ct.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Investment Peak | https://www.investmentpeak1.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Oppenheim Savings & Loans Trust Kb | https://oppenheimltd.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Tether-invest Corporation | http://www.tether-invest.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Xhpx Global Pro | http://www.xhpxomg.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Riotrades Ltd | http://www.riotradesltd.us | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Tesalia Asset Management | http://www.ts-capital.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 13-09-2024 |
Kapital Finanzen | http://www.kapital-finanzen.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
TakeYourprofit | https://takeyourprofit.ch | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Kantonal Finanz | https://kantonalfinanz.net | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Kucoine | https://www.kucoine.net | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Freedom Finance | https://freedom-finance.nl | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Investingoperation Inc. | http://www.investingoperation.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Tufic Crypto Assets | https://tuficcryptoassets.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Algo Pro Version | https://www.algoproversion.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Swisscoinco / Online Windows Llc | http://www.swisscoinco.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Htx / Huobi | http://www.htx.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Smart Stocks Gpt / Smart-mta Trust Fund Ltd | https://www.gpt-investor.de | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Bnb Trades | http://www.bnbtrades.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Roboinvest Inc. | http://www.robo-invest.ink | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Quanter Trade | http://www.quantertrade.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Fin2ai | http://www.fin2ai.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Convivium | https://convivium-solutions.com/home.html | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
3P-Consult | http://www.3p-consult.net | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Abm Trades | https://abmtrades.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Peak | http://www.mars-e.pumpkinospopeye.tech | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Proair 0.8 | http://www.immediateproair360.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Topix Ltd | http://www.topix.pro | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Ctm | http://www.ctmexm.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Rewe.im | http://www.rewe.im | AFM - Países Bajos | 13-09-2024 |
Liberty Assets | http://www.liberty-assets.com | Norvegia | 13-09-2024 |
Wellvest | https://wellvest.pro | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Activopts | https://activopts.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Inter Algo Gmbh | https://inter-algo.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Kash Kredit Express | http://www.kashkreditexpress.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Zenfund | https://zenfundpro.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Xhpx Global Pro | http://www.xhpxbuy.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Peak | https://saturn-e.gorgeous-growlithe.xyz/ | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Mrkt4trd.com | https://mrkt4trd.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Investiray | https://investi-ray.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Peak | http://www.jupiter-e.aprillemon.care | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Immediate Peak | http://www.terra-e.encouraging-staryu.xyz | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Fildaxcapital | https://fildaxcapital.com | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Pom-oc | https://pom-oc.com/ | FMA - Austria | 13-09-2024 |
Trust Margin | http://www.trustmargin.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Lucrativefxtmtrade | https://lucrativefxtmtrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
SwisscoinCo | https://swisscoinco.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://quomarkets.com | FSA - Seychelles | 03-09-2024 |
Baguettemax | http://www.baguettemax.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Stakingcap | http://www.stakingcap.io | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Xbo Invest | http://www.xboinvest.com | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
PrimeBanque | https://primebanque.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Tulipmega Trading | http://www.tulipmegatrading.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Globally-Investments Limited | http://www.globally-invest.ai | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Forich Max | http://www.forichmaxltd.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Capitalclique | http://www.capitalclique.vip | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Rigel Capital Partners Limited | http://www.rigelcapitalpartnersltd.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Portal-Invest | http://www.portal-invest.org | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Howden Equine Insurance | https://howdenequine-insurance.myfreesites.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Wfm International | https://wfminternational.vip/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
www.hkchangyuan.com | http://www.hkchangyuan.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 03-09-2024 |
Axainsurance.group | http://www.axainsurance.group | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Fx Tampa | https://www.fxtampa.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Bitmaex | http://www.btmaex.co | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
High Forecast | https://www.hiforecast.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Kucoine | http://www.kucoine.cc | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Omega World Fx Trading | https://omegaworldfxt.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
www.alphawave-sa.ch | http://www.alphawave-sa.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Thewavesmines | http://www.thewavesmines.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Trade 7.0 sprix | https://www.aquamarinespasauna.com/index.html | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
24era | https://24era.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Exopip | http://www.exopip.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Zenith Asset Pro | https://zenithassetpro.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Algorfinance | http://www.algorfinance.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Triumphincome | https://triumphincome.io | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Natwest-services.com | http://www.natwest-services.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Grandeur Capital Pro | https://grandeurcapitalpro.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Main Btc | https://main-btc.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Tradesafer / Australian Trader / Tradesafer Group | http://www.tradesafer.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Profit Gainer | http://www.profit-gnr.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Central Margins / Centralmargins Trading Services Llc | http://www.centralmargins.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Roboforex | https://start28.roboforex.org | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
China Minsheng Bank UK | http://www.chinaminsh.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Cryptos-Wallet | http://www.cryptos-wallet.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Multi Global Leaders | http://www.multigloballeaders.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Oxtrades | https://oxtrades.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Markets Ac | http://www.marketsac.network | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Tipo-group.com, Trading-Wave, Trading-Waves, Tipo Group | https://clientzone.trading-wave.com/fr/login | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Swisstbank | http://www.swisstbank.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Profit Gainer | http://www.profit-gainer.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Investment Peak | https://investmentpeak.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
www.regoninvestment.com | http://www.regoninvestment.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Ethena | http://www.ethena.fi | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://website.vendpei.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 03-09-2024 |
Exopip | http://www.exopip.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Trade Room 24 | http://www.traderoom24.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Lova Crypto | http://www.lovacrypto.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Markets Ac | http://www.marketsac.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Tradesafer / Australian Trader / Tradesafer Group | http://www.trade.tradesafer.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Trade101.ai | https://trade101.ai/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Bamboo Loan Finance | https://www.facebook.com/people/bamboo-loan-finance-organization/61557329484474 | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Groiki.com | http://www.groiki.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Abyss World Asset | https://www.abyss-world-asset.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Automated Investment Service | http://www.ais.so | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Oxford Wise / Oxford Wise Eu | http://www.oxford-wise.eu | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Markets Ac | http://www.marketsac.ltd | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Bulltrend | http://www.bulltrend.io | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Tradesafer / Australian Trader / Tradesafer Group | http://www.australiantrader.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
X-Finance Corp. | http://www.x-financecorp.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
www.viva-gestion.com | http://www.viva-gestion.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 03-09-2024 |
Berniston | http://www.berniston.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Ir Strategies | http://www.personal.ir-strategies.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Allgreattrade | http://www.allgreat-trade.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 03-09-2024 |
Eurochainfx | https://eurochainfx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Hfsc / Bitwinne | http://www.bitwinne.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Globalconnect24 | https://www.globalconnect24.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Investment Peak | http://investment1peak.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Fira / Fraud Investigation & Repatriation Authority / Ladew Law / Department of Financial Transactions | http://www.ladewlegalservices.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Cryptofundtrader | http://www.cryptofundtrader.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Argofinance | http://www.argofinance.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Infinite Fx | http://www.infinitefx.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Profee Bank Ltd | https://profeebank.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
The Hinton Group | http://www.thgcapitalsavings.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Ir Strategies | http://www.ir-strategies.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
www.incore-fund.com | http://www.incore-fund.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Robintrov | https://www.robintrov.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Bit4eu | https://bit4eu.co/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Azaforex | https://azaforex.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Market2trade | https://market2trade.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Nfg Finance | http://www.nfgfinance.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://m.bit-support-gemini.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Eagleup / Eagleup Finance / Eagleup Investments | http://www.eagleup.investments | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Market Rate Ai | https://mrate-ai.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Wb Marketing Llc | http://www.buehner-invest.com/profitsave-dein-bitcoin-mining-leicht-gemacht | BaFin - Alemania | 03-09-2024 |
Dodenetchain | http://www.dodenetchain.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Astrofxinvest.top Limited | https://astrofxinvest.top | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Fira / Fraud Investigation & Repatriation Authority / Ladew Law / Department of Financial Transactions | http://www.firagov.org | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Abra Traders | https://abratradershubs.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Accuracy Consulting Group Llc | http://www.accuracyconsultinggrp.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Live Access Trade | http://www.liveaccesstrade.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Bitsfury.finance | http://www.bitsfury.finance | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Trilophun Incoporations | https://trilophun.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Eagleup / Eagleup Finance / Eagleup Investments | http://www.eagleup.finance | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Axys Global | http://www.axysglobal.ltd | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
X-Finance Corp. | http://www.xfinancecorp.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Global Wealth Limited | https://globalwealthlimited.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Market4trade | http://www.mrk4trd.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Howden Equine Insurance | https://howden-equine-insurance.myfreesites.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Myfundedfx | https://myfundedfx.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Ethena | http://www.ethenaeth.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Trade 7.0 sprix | https://techtonicterritory.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Wfm International | https://www.wfminternational.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Robintrov | https://robintrov.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Roboforex | https://www.roboforex.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Main Btc | https://main-btc.dev/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Dbgmarketltd.com | http://www.dbgmarketltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Thewavesmines | http://www.gg.thewavesmines.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Reinholds Gold | http://www.reinholdsgold.net | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Canada Crypto | http://www.canada-crypto.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Trade 7.0 sprix | https://www.innovateinfinityisland.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Nfg Finance | http://www.nfgfinance.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Kucoine | http://www.kucoine.net | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Bamboo Loan Finance | https://www.facebook.com/people/bamboo-loan-finance/61559397400348/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Sterwa Holdings | https://sterwaholdings.com/index.html | FSRA - Abu Dhabi | 03-09-2024 |
Ir Strategies | http://www.irstrategies.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Prof Cloud Invests / Professional Cloud Invests | https://profcloudinvests.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Zz Trading | https://zztrading.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Eternity-trade | https://eternity-trade.life | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Fortis Fx | http://www.fortixfx.net | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Axys Global | https://axysglobal.cc/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Xtrader.Ca | http://www.xtrader.ca | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Smart Edge Financial | https://se-financial.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Bamboo Loan Finance | https://www.facebook.com/people/bamboo-loan-finance-org/61556320254256/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://firstallytrade.com | FSA - Seychelles | 03-09-2024 |
Gas 4.0 Alrex / Gas Alrex Ai | https://the-official-website.net/gas-4-0-alrex/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
www.mintedsavvy.live | http://www.mintedsavvy.live | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Best Direct Finance | http://www.bestdirect-finance.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Abn Amro Bank Nv | http://www.amroonline.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Otpfx | http://www.optfx.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
www.regon-global.com | http://www.regon-global.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Coineuro Cap | https://coineurocapital.co/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Silver Capital Management Llc | http://www.silvercapmgmt.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Berniston | http://www.brniston.com | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
Bit4eu | http://www.bit4eu.io | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Fx Tampa | https://www.fxtampa.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Ethical Fundings/ Ethical Fundings Investments | https://ethicalfundings.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Cryptologiciq | http://www.cryptologiciq.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Crzcoin Technology Inc. /Crzcoin | http://www.crzcoin.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
High Forecast | https://www.hiforecast.world/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Cryptop Bank | http://www.cryptopshore.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
JPMreview | https://www.jpmreview.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Thebiggestfuture | https://thebiggestfuture.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Stakingcap | http://www.stakingcap.co | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Bitmax Forex Trading | http://www.bitmaxforextrading.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Profit Gainer | http://www.finkanso.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Tierra 500 / Tierra Group Ltd. | http://www.tierra500.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Tipo-group.com, Trading-Wave, Trading-Waves, Tipo Group | https://trading-wave.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Morgan Stern | https://www.morganstern.io | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Magnum Holdings | https://magnumholdings.io | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Globalunionprime | http://www.globalunionprime.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Spider Trex | http://www.spidertrex.net | ASC - Alberta | 03-09-2024 |
www.xtremetrad.com | http://www.xtremetrad.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 03-09-2024 |
Master Trading / Mastertradingfx | http://www.mtfx.site | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Genesisplusai | http://www.genesisplusai.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Profitmarkets | https://profitmarkets.org/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Gas 4.0 Alrex / Gas Alrex Ai | https://www.btcrevolution.cloud/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Capitalclique | http://www.capitalclique.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Bitcoin Avage 500 | http://www.bitcoinavage500.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Magna Fx | https://fx-magna.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Fundexcapitals | http://www.fundexcapitals.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
The Traders Domain | http://www.thetradersdomain.com | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Profee Bank Ltd | https://profeebank.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Closeoption | https://www.closeoption.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Piexbit | http://www.piexbit.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Futurewealths | https://futurewealths.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
www.sfn-investment.ch | http://www.sfn-investment.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Investment Peak | http://www.investmentpeak1.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Swisscoinco | https://swisscoinco.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Bridgepoint Management Group Llc | http://www.bridgepointmgtgrp.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
www.finmm.com | http://www.finmm.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Cryptos-Wallet | http://www.cryptos-wallet.io | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Fxpt Live | https://fxptlive.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Trade Xtix Coins | http://www.tradextixcoins.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Wavestrader | http://www.wavestrader.io | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Areeva Private Trust Company Limited | https://areevaprivatetrust.com | JFSC - Jersey | 03-09-2024 |
Exc500 Global | http://www.exc500global.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Forex Titan Exchange | http://www.forextitanexchange.com | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Master Trading / Mastertradingfx | http://www.mastertradingfx.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Gain Market Hub | http://www.gainmarkethub.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Wavestrader | https://wavestrader.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Capital Market Reserve | https://www.capitalmarketreserve.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
M23trading Limited | http://www.m23trading.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Nfg Finance | http://www.nfgfinance.vip | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Cornish Ppi Refund | http://www.cornishppirefunds.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Forexmaverick | https://forexmavericks.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 03-09-2024 |
Hashaxe | https://hashaxe.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Copyfx | https://www.copyfx.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Tierra 500 / Tierra Group Ltd. | http://www.tierra500.net | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Tstocks-Efts / Tstocks-Efts Limited | http://www.tstocks-efts.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Goldentargets | https://www.goldentargets.net | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
Antbit | http://www.antbitx.cc | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Stecapital | https://stecapital.cc/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Bit-wise | https://www.bit-wise.co/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Parnell Rosenberg Irwin Asset Management / Priama | http://www.priama.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Capitalclique | http://www.platform.capitalclique.pro | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
www.expresstrademarket.com | http://www.expresstrademarket.com | FMA - Nueva Zelanda | 03-09-2024 |
Trade 7.0 sprix | https://innovativeideasisle.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 03-09-2024 |
Asset Bank | http://www.assets-bank.com | FINMA - Suiza | 03-09-2024 |
Solution-Fx / Solution-Fx Markets Pty Ltd | http://www.solution-fx.com | AMF - Quebec | 03-09-2024 |
Otpfx | http://www.optfxtrade.com | OSC - Ontario | 03-09-2024 |
Assetwise-invest.com | https://assetwise-invest.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 03-09-2024 |
Bulltargets | http://www.bulltargets.com | BCSC - British Columbia | 03-09-2024 |
CEDAR TRADE GLOBAL | https://cedartradeglobalfx.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
CRYPTO LIFE | https://cryptolifesupportmarket.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BITBOTER | http://www.bitboter.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
StakingFarm - stakingfarm.com | http://www.stakingfarm.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Emirates Global Pay Ltd | https://www.eg-pay.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
EPECS Limited | http://www.epecs.info | SFC - Hong Kong | 27-08-2024 |
SENECA CORPORATE | https://seneca-corporate.org/ro/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 27-08-2024 |
FXCAPITAL FINMARKET | http://www.fxcapitalfinmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Heritage Investment ICAV | https://www.heritageinvestmenticav.com/ | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
ARENA CAPITAL | http://www.arenacapitals.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
renfieldequity.co.uk | https://www.renfieldequity.co.uk/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Assured Marketing Solutions Limited t/a Families in Debt | https://familiesindebt.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Guardian Invest | http://www.guardianinvest.co | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
COINCASHE | http://www.coincashe.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
www.blackwellzq.com | http://www.blackwellzq.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 27-08-2024 |
ATPBot Co Ltd / | https://www.atpbot.com/en | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
FORTUNE-CAPITAL LTD | http://www.fortune-capital.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
capitalpartnersgroupltd.net | https://capitalpartnersgroupltd.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
TradeMarkets | http://www.t-m.global | FINMA - Suiza | 27-08-2024 |
Questh X SA | http://www.questhx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 27-08-2024 |
DIGITALSULTIMATE | http://www.digitalsultimate.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
INVESTUSSD | https://www.investussd.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
www.klaycap.com | http://www.klaycap.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 27-08-2024 |
Twelve Whales LLC | https://www.twelvewhales.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Fidelity Max Investment Management | http://www.fidinvesmax.com | FINMA - Suiza | 27-08-2024 |
Bank of Montreal | http://www.bmosecurities.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Monetio | https://www.monetio.io/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
FXTMTRADING | http://www.fxtmtrading.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Arrexpro | http://www.arrexpro.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 27-08-2024 |
MMC Securities | http://www.webtradersclientzone.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
IrishRateFinder.com | http://www.irelandratefinder.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Quantumlux Group | https://quantumluksgroup.com/pl/ | KNF - Polonia | 27-08-2024 |
TWENTSIXPRO BANK | http://www.twentsixprobank.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Leon Capital | http://leonllp.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
MMC Securities | https://mmcsecuritiesltd.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Charm Finance | https://charm-finance.com/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 27-08-2024 |
LumineTrade/ Lumine Trade | http://www.lumine-ltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
White Oak ICAV | https://whiteoakicav.com/ | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Debt Free Service | https://stopallbailiffs.co.uk/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
capitalpartnersgroupltd.net | https://cfd.capitalpartnersgroupltd.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
LIBERTYFX LITE | http://www.libertyfxlite.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Bitplus Capital Ltd | https://bitpluscapital.co/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Aimarkets24 / aimarkets24.com | http://www.aimarkets24.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Asset Vortex | https://assetvorfph.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
FAST-OPTIONS | http://www.fast-options.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Temp Cover Now | https://tempcovernow.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Zurich Bank | http://www.zurichbondsie.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
XORAT FINANCIAL ADVISOR LLP | https://xoratfinadvisorllp.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BRANT ASSETS | https://brantassets.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
GERALD & GERALD EXCHANGES | http://www.geraldexchange.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Macquarie | http://www.macquariecapital.ie | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Minesafe Investment | https://minesafeinvestment.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Elite Wealth Consultants | https://elitewealthconsultants.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
TRADE LLC GLOBAL / TRADELLCGLOBAL.COM | https://tradellcglobal.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
XTB Limited | https://xtbtrading.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
AssetAssetcapitalFXapitalFX | https://assetcapitalfx.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Agewell Finances / aw-finances.com | https://aw-finances.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
AXERA LTD / axera.ltd | http://www.axera.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Titan Capital Partners | http://www.titan-capital-partners.com | FINMA - Suiza | 27-08-2024 |
GLOBAL INVEST | https://global-investltd.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
GROWTH SAVINGS INVESTMENT | https://growthsavingsinvestment.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
KH SHARES | https://www.kh-shares.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Titan Trade Market | https://titantrademarket.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BANKIS ASSETS LIMITED | http://www.bankis.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
MOONSCAPEFX | http://www.moonscapefx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Monetio | https://monetio.io/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
ASP Bank – entità priva di licenza | https://aspbank.net | MFSA - Malta | 27-08-2024 |
LumineTrade/ Lumine Trade | http://www.lumine-ltd.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
SKYTRADE ASSET COMPANY | https://skytradesinvest.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
S W Automotives | https://shaunwilsonautomotive.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Fixed Income Derivatives PLC | http://www.fid-plc.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
EMIRATES MINER | http://www.emirates-miner.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
TRADE HUXE | https://tradehuxe.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Bank of Montreal | http://www.bmo-private.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Debt Free Service | https://debtfreeservice.co.uk/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Macquarie | http://www.macquariecap.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
ANUBIS / ANUBIS GLOBALS | http://www.anubisglobals.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
LumineTrade/ Lumine Trade | http://www.lumine-trd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
CRYPTOPULSE | http://www.cryptopluse.live | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
appexmarketcapitalinvestment | https://appexmarketcapitalinvestment.pro/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
PRISTINE FX LIMITED | https://pristinefx.icu/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BULLPROJECTS / bullprojects.com | http://www.bullprojects.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Standard Investment Option | https://xtremeinvestmentoption.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
LumineTrade/ Lumine Trade | http://www.luminetrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Market Master Trade | https://marketmastertrade.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BLACKROCKMINEFX | https://blackrockminefx.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
IDOCAP | https://idocap.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
BLOCKOPTICAL | http://www.blockoptical.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Six Digital Exchange kloon | http://www.sixdigitalexchange.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 27-08-2024 |
Estela Capital ICAV | https://estela-capital.com/ | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
AMELIORATEDIGIT | http://www.amelioratedigit.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Irish Savings Rates | http://www.irishsavingsrates.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Astrowealthsaccess.com | http://www.astrowealthsaccess.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
DOZ-COINLAB | http://www.doz-coinlab.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
INV Ireland | https://inv-ireland.com/ | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Onepro Global Limited | http://www.oneproglobal.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 27-08-2024 |
EQUITYMARKET | http://www.equitymarketscap.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Iqmarketfx | https://iqmarketfx.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
edrinvestments.com | https://edrinvestments.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Ambient Research | https://ambientresearch.co/ | SC - Malesia | 27-08-2024 |
Agewell Finances / aw-finances.com | https://trade.aw-finances.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Garlin Investments ICAV | http://www.garlininvestmentsicav.com/ | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
Incometraders Invest / Income Traders Invest | https://incometraders-invest.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Fixed Return Bonds | http://www.fixedreturnbonds.com | CBI - Irlanda | 27-08-2024 |
GLOBAL INVEST LTD | http://www.globalinvltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
admfxgltd.com | https://www.admfxgltd.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
LumineTrade/ Lumine Trade | http://www.lumitrade.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
socgeninternational.com | http://www.socgeninternational.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
GRADAN BANK | https://gradanbank.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
QMEMTERWAY RAISING LTD | http://www.qmenterwayraising.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 27-08-2024 |
Genuine-capitals.org | http://www.genuine-capitals.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Investousit | http://www.investousit.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://www.libkr.com.cn/show-79.html | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Alphawavetrade Ltd | http://www.alphawavetrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Blockchain Investors | http://www.blockchainsinvestor.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Plutus Legacy Trust | https://www.plutuslegacytrust.biz | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Elite Investment Agency | http://www.eliteinvestmentagency.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Meta24fx | http://www.mt24fx.net | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Defitrade.ltd | http://www.defitrade.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Primeltd Inc | http://www.primeltdinc.global | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sure Fx Open | http://www.surefxopen.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Leaderswtie | http://www.leaderswtie.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Staxom | http://www.staxom.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Bitget | https://www.bitget.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Finance Income | https://finance-incomes.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Binerns Invest | https://binernsinvestment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Asceillis | https://asceillis.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Wti-hk.com | http://www.wti-hk.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Mooncod Investments | https://mooncodinvesttrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Pledgevow | http://www.pledgevow.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Polaris Bit Limited | https://investwithpolaris.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Gildencrestcap.com | http://www.gildencrestcap.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Speedcover | https://speedcover.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Stanley & Elliott Limited | http://www.stanleyelliottlimited-hk.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Multiminners | https://multiminners.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Excellence Markets | http://www.excellence-markets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Digifx Trader | http://www.digifxtraders.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://tc.youliyi.com/gang/cathayse | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Grossfield | http://www.grossfieldltd.vip | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Liveinvests | https://liveinvests.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ether Lux | http://www.eng.etherlux.space | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Royals Academy | https://royalsacademy.es | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.market.espace-allegretto.com | http://www.market.espace-allegretto.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Oxtrades | http://www.oxtrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Omf | http://www.omfexchange.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Exper Tradex | http://www.exper-tradex.online | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Btcoinmt | http://www.btcach.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Cryptomaniaexclusive | http://www.cryptomaniagcexlusive.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Wealth-incomeearners | https://wealth-incomeearners.cc | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Grabek Global Ltd | https://grabek-global.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Asset Ideal | http://assetideal.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fx Digital Lab | https://fxdigitallab.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Profitxinvestment / Profitxinvestments.com | https://profitxinvestments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.moventumsca.com | http://www.moventumsca.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Aitm Ltd | http://www.m.aitmltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Stable-Capitals | https://stable-capitals.biz | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Stock Capital Markets | http://www.stockcapitalmarkets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Stockexchangepro | https://stockexchangepro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Via Brazil International Partners Gmbh in Liquidation | http://www.viabrazil.ch | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Limmer Coin | https://limmercoin.io/es | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Axitrader | https://www.axi.com/int/getting-started | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fast Fx Pay Trading Company | http://www.fastfxpaytrading.info | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Mayfair Wealth Ltd | http://www.mayfairwealthltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Flex Capital | https://flexcapitalfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ipromarkets | https://ipromarkets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Quaintfxmarket | https://quaintfxmarket.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Magmacore | https://magmacore.capital | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ideal Market | http://www.idealmarketpro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Titanltdinvestments | http://www.titanltdinvestments.co | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Spotyfx | http://www.spotyfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Prime Capital Investment Company Limited | https://primecapitalinvestmentcompanylimited.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Easycrypto4u / Easy Crypto4U | http://www.easycrypto4u.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Felton-West Consultancy Group Llp | http://www.felton-westconsultancy.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Standard Metropolitan Bank | https://standardmetropolitanbank.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Spotrade | http://www.spotrade.net | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Financial Services Investigation Agency | http://www.fsia.co.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Recover Btc | http://www.recoverbtc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Force Revenu | http://www.forcerevenu.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Zztrading | https://zztrading.io | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Eazyfxdex Trades | http://www.eazyfxdextrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Cryptosmarket | http://www.cryptosmarket.io | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Global Digital Trades | http://www.globaldigitaltrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
TreasuryIncome | http://www.treasuryincome.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Trademaxus | http://www.trademaxus.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Money Enhancement | http://www.moneyenhancement.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Toptradelife | http://www.toptrade-life.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
London Trading Index Limited | https://londontradingindex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Elite Capital | http://www.elitecapitalfx.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Proclubteam / Finance Phantom / Immediate Edge | http://www.proclubteam.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Nexusphere Financials | https://nexuspherefinancials.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Gdcl Success | http://www.gdclfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Netfx Pro | http://www.netforexpro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Alliance Pro Fxtrade | https://alliancefxtrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sogexpertfx | https://sogexpertfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Twelve Whales Llc | http://www.twelvewhales.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Catycoin | http://www.catycoins.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Alliance Reserve | http://www.alliancereserve.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Reliableyieldspot | http://www.reliableyieldspot.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Forexpotentialtrade | https://forexpotentialtrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Virtualfxtrade.live | http://www.virtualfxtrade.live | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fidelity Wealth Management | http://www.fidelitywealthm.cc | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ameritradings | https://ameritradings.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Auto5cryptofxtrade | https://auto5cryptofxtrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.spring-investment.com | http://www.spring-investment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ampvehicles.com | http://www.ampvehicles.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Bukasinwealth | https://bukasinwealth.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ytl Asset Management | https://ytlassets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.das-finanz.com | http://www.das-finanz.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Globalstock Digital Trades | http://www.globalstoc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Craven Finance | http://www.cravenfinance.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Brazzassets | https://brazzassets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.finance-acpn-gmbh.ch | http://www.finance-acpn-gmbh.ch | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Unicoins24 | http://www.unicoins24.online | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Vantage Securities Llc | http://www.vantagesecuritiesllc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Gocover | https://gocover.uk/ | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Elite-Minners | https://elite-minners.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Asicyiedglobal | https://asicyiedglobal.net | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sounzk | http://www.sounzk.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Finance Phantom | http://www.financephantom.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Golden Traders Invest | http://www.goldentradersinvest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
My Banking Direct | http://www.mytransferpaydirect.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fameex | http://www.fameextio.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Digitalprimediortrd | http://www.digitalprimedoirtrd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Lion Prime Fx | http://www.lionprofx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Estoque Invest Gmbh | http://www.estoque-invest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Bibox / Bibox365 | http://www.bibox365.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Barbizon-Invest | https://barbizon-invest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Lightlends | https://lightlends.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fftfx Trading / Fftfxtradinglt.com | https://fftfxtradinglt.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Any Coin Capital | http://www.anycoincapital.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Trading Account Limited | http://www.etradingaccount.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Lux Capitals | http://www.luxcapitals.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Coin World Capital | http://www.coinworldcap.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Dibfx.pro | https://dibfx.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Apex Fx Investment | http://www.apexfxinvestment.live | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Legacycoinmarket | http://www.legacycoinmarket.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | http://huili-valuepartners.online | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Truthqapital | http://www.truthqapital.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Soluction Market Trades | http://www.soluctionmarkettrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Wallex Global | http://www.wallex.global | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.pegasuscapitals.com | http://www.pegasuscapitals.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Quantum Invest Hub | http://www.quantuminvesthub.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Nexus Pips | http://www.nexuspips.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Skybuckfx | https://www.skybuckfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Juhbz / Ptounz / Spread Dynamics | http://www.dynamic-arb.vip | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Winstone Investment Group | http://www.winstoneinvestmentgroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Global Coin Trade | https://globalcointrade.org | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fpgcoinltd.com | http://www.fpgcoinltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
www.sici.lu | http://www.sici.lu | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Greyt & Lewis Management Inc | http://www.greytandlewis.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Ventezo | https://ventezo.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Foxswap Fx | https://foxswapsfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 13-08-2024 |
Fxtradefinanece | https://fxtradefinanece.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Fegdex www.fegdex.com | http://www.fegdex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
www.wgaml.com | http://www.wgaml.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
www.elygroupsa.com | http://www.elygroupsa.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Cryptotecky | https://cryptotecky.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Banc Star Financial | http://www.bancstarfinancial.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Fmd Expert Trade / Fmdexperttrade | http://www.fmdexperttrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Robbo Ai | https://robbo-ai.app/es | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Asset Ace | https://www.asset-ace.org | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://marketsinvest.com/es | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Guaranteed Trade Exchange | http://www.guaranteedtradexchange.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Extrem Asset | https://extremasset.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Auto Trades | http://www.autotrades.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Swisstrade | https://swisstrade.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Coinunited.io | https://coinunited.io | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Pennybulk.com | http://www.pennybulk.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
www.commondigital.eu | http://www.commondigital.eu | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Quebexwealth | http://www.quebexwealth.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | http://marketsinvest.net | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Bitmex-Crypro | https://www.bidmxice.top | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Meistrgold | http://www.meistrgold.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Foreignmarketoptions Limited / Fmo | http://www.foreignmarketoptions.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Profinance Schweiz Ag | https://profinance-group.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Mowdex | https://mowdex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Nasdaqall | https://nasdaqall.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Sparrowstradings-fx.com | https://sparrowstradings-fx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Digitaecompro | http://www.digitaecompro.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Eme Capital lpP / Eme Finance / Emerging Markets / Emerging Markets Equity / Emerging Markets Global / Eme Trusted Wealth | https://emglobal.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Voxx Trade | http://www.voxxtrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Bchworld | https://bchworldex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Simplexmarketonlinefx | http://www.simplexmarketonlinefx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Crypto Excise | http://www.cryptoexcise.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Bit-assets | http://www.bit-assets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Arbi Trust Capital | https://arbitrustcapital.net | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Americanfxtrading | http://www.americanfxtrading.us | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Gsd Capital | http://www.gsd.capital | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Alliance Reserve | https://www.alliancereserve.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Gfinmarkets | http://www.gfinmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Springcofx | https://springcofx.pro | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Vucrex | https://vucrex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Boley | http://www.boley.im | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Fxtmharvests | https://fxtmharvests.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Nexus AIbot Markets | https://nexusaibotmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Growminingfx.biz Limited / Gmfx | https://growminingfx.biz | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Fxglobalstockmarket | http://www.fxglobalstockmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Golden Ant / Ant Monetary | https://www.ant-monetary.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Cgwise | https://cgwise.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Global Stable Earning | http://www.globalstableearning.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Primeo Digital | https://www.primeodigital.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Gcm Pro | https://gcmpro.io | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Adextradesgo | http://www.adextradesgo.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Ndaxinvestments | https://ndaxinvestments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Ultimatefx Grand | http://www.ultimatefxgrand24.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
www.broscoag.ch | http://www.broscoag.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Sfd-finanzag | http://www.sfd-finanzag.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Assetstockempire | http://www.assetstockempire.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Oxcoinflowminingtrade Oxt | http://www.oxcoinflowminingtrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Börsen Verein Menger | https://bv-menger.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Cashdefimarkertstmg | http://www.cashdefimarkertstmg.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Ageeon | http://www.ageeon.live | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Foxo Trade | http://www.foxotrades.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Topforexechange | http://www.topforexechange.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Excel Fx Markets / Xcel Fx Markets | http://www.excelfxmarket.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Skyion Group | http://www.skyiong.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Vourteige | http://www.vourteige.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Bit Prime Asset | https://bitprimeasset.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Fintrexcap | http://www.fintrexcap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Apexcircle Fx | https://apexcirclefx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Forty Trade / 40 Forty Trade | http://www.fortytrader.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Betilog Sarl. Asset Management Inc | http://www.betilog-partners.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Ironwave Capital | https://ironwavecapital.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Marketstocks 24 | https://marketstocks24.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Quadra Pro | http://www.quadrapro.net | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Doublecapitalpay | http://www.doublecapitalpay.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Capivo / Albi Corporation Ltd | https://www.capivo.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
www.kanelpisolution.com, clone di società autorizzata | http://www.kanelpisolution.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Elite Assets Fund | http://www.eliteassetsfund.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bitcoininvesttrust.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Chillis Bank | http://www.chillisbank.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Vision Fs Ltd | https://vision-fs.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Emiratesfx.ae | https://emiratesfx.ae | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Secret Crisis Blueprint | https://secret-crisis-blueprint.org/es | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Fx Million Online | http://www.fxmilliononline.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Cexbit-vips | https://cexbit-vips.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Future Wealth Fx | https://futurewealthfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Trojan Markets | http://www.trojanmarkets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Mega Fx | https://mfxjp.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Wachlet Gray Capital Partners | http://www.wachletgraycapital.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Smart Fx Investment | http://www.smartprofittradefx.trade | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Crypto Camp | https://cryptocamp.cc | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Market Makers / Market-mkrs.com / Marketmakers.cc | https://market-mkrs.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Smartmarkets.cc | http://www.smartmarkets.cc | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Future Flare Finance | https://futureflarefinance.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Cryptoworld-Fx | https://cryptoworld-fx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Axis Wealth Alternative Investments | https://axis-wealth.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Aussiebondfx | http://www.aussiebondfx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Stockcrypto Market Insight Llc | https://unitefxinvestingcompany.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Doex | http://www.doex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Velocitytradefx.com | http://www.velocitytradefx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Central Markets Invest Ltd | https://centralmarketsinvest.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Remy & Associates Llp | http://www.remyassoc.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Bit-Assets | https://bit-assets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Swisstrading24 | https://swisstrading24.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
247bliss Forex | http://www.247blissforex.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Groot Earnings | http://www.grootearnings.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
X-Bingx | https://x-bingx.net | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Vendigital Ltd / Vendigital Limited / Vendigital Association / Digital Ventures | https://www.vendigital.tech | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Llci Limited | https://www.llcilimited.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
www.magnumtrade.io | http://www.magnumtrade.io | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Zurichswift Ag | http://www.zurichswift.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Vodel Global Equities | http://www.vodelglobalequities.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Spot Pro Markets | http://www.spotpromarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Cointrade1000 | https://cointrade-1000.org | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Milk Candy Inc. / Doex.com | https://www.doex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Tradesmartfx | http://www.tradesmartfx.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
www.ggrowthdplanet.com | http://www.ggrowthdplanet.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Meta Trader Fxpro | http://www.metatraderfxpro.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Topshark | http://www.topshark.co | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Trezor Group | http://www.trezorgroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Verbex Group | http://www.verbexg.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Prime Alliance Corporate Group Llp | http://www.primealliancecorpgrp.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Algobuddy | http://www.algobuddy.io | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Ip Gate Trade / Ipgate.trade | https://ipgate.trade | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Apexglobalwealth | http://www.apexglobalwealth.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Loncin Global Limited | http://www.loncinglobal.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Bybit-vip.cn | http://www.bybit-vip.cn | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Metaverse Profit | https://metaverse-profit.org/es | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Assetradar Brokerage | http://www.assetrader.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Trust Bank Connect | http://www.trustbnkconnect.com | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Novva Capital | https://novvacapital.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Oroca Lab | https://orocalab.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Swissunit24 | https://swissunit24.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
Crypto Hub Canada | http://www.cryptohubcanada.org | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Investing242 | http://www.investing242.io | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Rumblenomic | http://www.rumblenomic.co | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Xeenicefxm | https://xeenicefxm.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Plus5fx | http://www.plus5fx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Vitafxtrade / Vitafxtrade.online | https://vitafxtrade.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Pma / Premium-Maxassets | https://premium-maxassets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 30-07-2024 |
Globalluentsavings | https://globalluentsavings.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
Damian Jackson | http://www.damianjacksontrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 30-07-2024 |
www.delfininvest.de | http://www.delfininvest.de | FINMA - Suiza | 30-07-2024 |
IBSasset | https://ibsasset.co | CONSOB - Italia | 26-07-2024 |
Europe Investment Group Ltd | https://cfd.euroinvestgroup.limited | CONSOB - Italia | 26-07-2024 |
FX-Rocket Ltd | https://fx-rocket.com | CONSOB - Italia | 26-07-2024 |
Krakcoin Trading | http://www.krakcoin.co | CONSOB - Italia | 26-07-2024 |
Europe Investment Group Ltd | https://euroinvestgroup.co | CONSOB - Italia | 26-07-2024 |
Yinrui Wealth Management | https://yrmg.cn/pc | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
Kantonal Finanz | http://www.kantonalfinanz.net | FINMA - Suiza | 22-07-2024 |
Connext | https://tradewith.connextfx.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Wissix Trust Group | http://www.wiss-ixtrg.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | http://lf.aresmgntcn.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
Activtrades | https://www.activtrades.com/ru | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Litegraphs | https://litegraphs.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Tfi Markets Ltd | https://tfisplus.com/en | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
www.pioneerfinanceltd.com | http://www.pioneerfinanceltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Hqta | http://www.hqta.net | OSC - Ontario | 22-07-2024 |
Cryptofxpro / Cryptofxpro | https://www.cryptofxpro.co | OSC - Ontario | 22-07-2024 |
Smart Financial Edge Switzerland Ag | http://www.se-financial.com | FINMA - Suiza | 22-07-2024 |
Wealth Building and Investment | https://wealthbuildinvestment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Finance Ig | http://www.finance-ig.com | CNMV - España | 22-07-2024 |
www.abnasglobal.com | http://www.abnasglobal.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 22-07-2024 |
Bridge Trust Finance | http://www.bridgetrustfinance.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://nard.hk | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
Dvyneways / Mavie Global / Miracle Cash & More / Dvynecard | http://www.dvyneway.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Fxcm | https://www.fxcm.com/my | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Iginvest | https://iginvest.io | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Binbot Pro | https://binbotpro.com/ru | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
24 Cfd Cap | http://www.24cfdcap.net | ASC - Alberta | 22-07-2024 |
www.newgalaseccoltd.com | http://www.newgalaseccoltd.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
Investmentpeak1 | http://www.investmentpeak1.com | ASC - Alberta | 22-07-2024 |
www.finnery-acquisitions.com | http://www.finnery-acquisitions.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 22-07-2024 |
www.fildaxcapital.com | http://www.fildaxcapital.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 22-07-2024 |
Globalinvestment Profit | https://globalinvestmentprofit.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Preciousstudio-Work | http://www.preciousstudio-work.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Centobot | https://www.centobot.com/ru | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Mic Market | https://portal.mic-market.com | CNMV - España | 22-07-2024 |
Daxbase | https://daxbase.com/ru | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Forex Prop Firm FPF | https://home.forexpropfirm.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Gilliat Financial Solutions | https://gilliatfinancialsolutions.com | CNMV - España | 22-07-2024 |
Tradeeu Global | https://www.tradeeu.global/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Bitfufu | https://www.bitfufu.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
www.geneveinv.com | http://www.geneveinv.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 22-07-2024 |
Capitalprof | https://capitalprof.com | NSSMC - Ucrania | 22-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | http://mgtss1.colsecurities.net | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
Richbot | https://irichbot.io/login | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Wynn Exchange | http://www.wynn-exchange.ai | ASC - Alberta | 22-07-2024 |
Galaxy Assetscoin | https://galaxy-assetscoin.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Trade Incom | http://www.trade-incom.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Havbell Dac | https://havbelldac.com | CBI - Irlanda | 22-07-2024 |
Finkea | http://www.finkea.com | FMA - Austria | 22-07-2024 |
Neeq | https://apps.apple.com/my/app/neeq/id6504069599 | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Ste Capital | https://stecapital.cc | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Bit-Alphas / Bit-Alphas-Ltd.com | https://bit-alphas-ltd.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
www.cofglobol.com | http://www.cofglobol.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Cfx Finance | http://www.cfxfinance.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Expert Minner | http://www.expert-minner.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Peakmarketspro | http://www.peakmarketspro.com | ASC - Alberta | 22-07-2024 |
Zee Capitals | https://zeecapitals.in | MFSA - Malta | 22-07-2024 |
Capixtrade | http://www.capixtrade.io | FINMA - Suiza | 22-07-2024 |
Novazx | http://www.novazx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://grandcapital.net | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://toptiercapital.pro | HCMC - Grecia | 22-07-2024 |
Mew | https://www.mew.trading/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 22-07-2024 |
Blueholdings | http://www.blue-holdings.vip | FINMA - Suiza | 22-07-2024 |
Goldenzeil.com | https://www.goldenzeil.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Ifxtime Ltd | https://ifxtime.com | MFSA - Malta | 22-07-2024 |
Trade Derivative www.tradederivative.site/introduce. | http://www.tradederivative.site/introduce | MFSA - Malta | 22-07-2024 |
Dailydigitalreturn | https://dailydigitalreturn.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Crest Credits | http://www.crestcredits.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Unique Global | http://www.uniqueglobals.info | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Metaverse Prime | https://metaverseprime.co | FCA - Reino Unido | 22-07-2024 |
Fcdmarkets | http://www.fcdmarkets.com | FMA - Austria | 22-07-2024 |
Fusionlots | http://www.fusionlots.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 22-07-2024 |
Hellenic Aedoee | https://cfd.investfundhellenic.com | HCMC - Grecia | 22-07-2024 |
Stonebridge | https://stonebridgeventures.io | CONSOB - Italia | 22-07-2024 |
Remar Group Inc / Remar Capital Hong Kong Ltd | http://www.remargroup.org | SFC - Hong Kong | 22-07-2024 |
www.diserens.de | http://www.diserens.de | FINMA - Suiza | 22-07-2024 |
Bull-Markets | https://bull-markets.com | FMA - Austria | 22-07-2024 |
Mesirowfx | http://www.mesirowfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 22-07-2024 |
First State Investments Ireland Limited | http://www.fsi.cm | CONSOB - Italia | 19-07-2024 |
FtseInvest | https://ftseinvest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-07-2024 |
AlfaMarket | https://alfamarketcapital.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-07-2024 |
Partnersce | http://www.partnersce.cm | CONSOB - Italia | 19-07-2024 |
First State Investments (Ireland) Limited | https://webtrader.fsi.cm | CONSOB - Italia | 15-07-2024 |
Algobot24 | https://algobot24.com | CONSOB - Italia | 11-07-2024 |
Sigma Capital | https://sigmacapitals.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 11-07-2024 |
OneCapital CFDS | https://24cfdcap.net | CONSOB - Italia | 11-07-2024 |
Finexleaders | https://finexleaders.co | CONSOB - Italia | 11-07-2024 |
EFS Lux | www.efslux.com | CONSOB - Italia | 11-07-2024 |
Veilige Lening | https://veiligelening.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Torfs Groups | https://torfscapital.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Snel Geld | https://snel-geld.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Snel Direct Krediet | https://sneldirectkrediet.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Plus Lening | https://pluslening.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Mijn Direct Lening | https://mijn-directlening.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Kaiser Finanz | https://kaiserfinanz.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Hag Finance | www.hagfinance.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Eu Consultant Ltd. | www.euconsultantltd.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Dior Kredit | https://www.dior-kredit.be | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Dexia Finance | www.dexiafinance.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Cst Efinenciën | www.cst-efinancien.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Bldn Financing | www.bldnfinancing.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Barivex Union | www.barivexunion.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
www.plenitudeeurope.com | www.plenitudeeurope.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
www.monacces.shellrecharges.eu | www.monacces.shellrecharges.eu | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
www.fyamcapital.com | www.fyamcapital.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 05-07-2024 |
Ciber Ia Cuántica / Cyber Quantum Ai | https://cyber-quantum.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Firdex | https://firdex.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Bit Matic | https://maticbit.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Alfa Capital Market | https://alfacapitalmarket.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Tradeultrapro | https://tradeultrapro.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Phixius | https://phixius.es | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Nasdoxfx / Nasdox Fx / Nasdr Stock Market Llc | https://nasdoxfx.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Meridian Finance | https://meridianfinance.pro | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Londinesbank | http://www.londinesbank.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Elite Trading Academy Limited / Forexelite | https://forexelite.trade | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Digi-Trade / Digitrade | https://wt.digi-trade.ltd | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Cryptosmarket | https://cryptosmarket.io | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Capix Trade | https://capixtrade.com | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Capitals Time | https://capitalstime.io | CNMV - España | 05-07-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://alphabeeassetmgtfund.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 05-07-2024 |
Beleggersprofiel | www.beleggersprofiel.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
24Era | https://24era.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
Fusionlots | www.fusionlots.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
Wiseprofits.biz | https://wiseprofits.biz | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
Delta-Trend | https://delta-trend.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
Mew | https://www.mew.trading | AFM - Países Bajos | 05-07-2024 |
Lyxmont Alfatrade | www.lyxmont.com | CONSOB - Italia | 21-06-2024 |
Investousit | https://investousit.com | CONSOB - Italia | 21-06-2024 |
Real PremiumEU e Real PremiumEU Markets | www.realpremiumeu.com | CONSOB - Italia | 21-06-2024 |
Royal Dimex Ltd | www.royaldimex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 21-06-2024 |
Expo Trust | https://expo-trust.net | CONSOB - Italia | 21-06-2024 |
Vie Finance A.E.P.E.Y. | www.fortissio.com | KNF - Polonia | 18-06-2024 |
Vexustrade | www.vexustrade.com | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Tgl Corp Limited | www.tgl.inc | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Ic24market | www.ic24market.com | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
LumineTrade | www.lumineltd.com | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Azura Capital | www.azura-cap.net | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Quadra Pro | www.quadrapro.net | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Askotrade | www.askotrade.net | AMF - Quebec | 18-06-2024 |
Vasttradeoption | www.vasttradeoption.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Acmemine | www.multi-tradings.xyz | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Simple Wealth Fx | www.simplewealthfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Elitetradecapitals | www.elitetradecapital.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Coinostk | www.coinostk.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Bit-Assets | www.bit-assets.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Cgwise | www.cgwise.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Canadian Capital Markets | www.canadiancapitalmarkets.com | ASC - Alberta | 18-06-2024 |
Sfcap | https://sfcap.world | MFSA - Malta | 18-06-2024 |
Aivax S.A. | www.aivax.ai | FINMA - Suiza | 18-06-2024 |
Nordencrypto | www.nordencrypto.com | FINMA - Suiza | 18-06-2024 |
Safe Trust Snc | www.safetrust.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 18-06-2024 |
Assetivax | https://assetivax.com | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Aifmd | https://aifmd.info | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Tradingero | https://www.tradingero.es | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Smart Limited Group | https://smart-limited-group.com | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Protrade24 | https://protrade24.net | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Globe Fx | https://www.globefx.io | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Fame Traders | https://fame-traders.com | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Capitalmgm | https://www.capitalmgmgroup.com | CNMV - España | 18-06-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://acces.wtb-management.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 18-06-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://web.app-traderepublic.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 18-06-2024 |
Retro Investment | www.retro-investment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Cash Nest Bank | https://cashnestbank.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Digital-Assets.live | https://digital-assets.live | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Smart Bexiassetspro | https://smartbexiassetspro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Halal Digital Gold Investment | https://halaldigitalgoldinvestment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Way2forex | www.way2forex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Wbtc / Worldbitcointrading | www.worldbitcointading.io | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Wisefex Capital Limited | www.wisefexcapitallimited.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fxbinaryz Ltd | www.fxbinaryz.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Mtfe Global | www.mtfeglobal.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Securefx Capital Ltd | www.securefx.net | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Assets Chart | www.assetschart.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Digital Assets Nest | www.digitalassetsnest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Velocity Vistafx | www.velocityvistafx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Iqmarketsignal | www.iqmarketsignal.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Lotus Wealth Trade | https://lotuswealthtrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Share Intensify | https://shareinvestify.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Reliablefx Trade | https://reliablefxtrade.net | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Tesla Investment X | https://teslainvestmentx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Smart Fx Live – Bot | https://smartfxlivebot.vip | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Bitster Fx Limited | www.bitsterfxltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Corbridge Capital / Investique / Investique.co.uk | https://investique.co.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fxrarebull.com | www.fxrarebull.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Quantfund Market | www.quantfundmarket.live | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Pridetradehub | www.pridetradehub.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Coincut | www.coinboss.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Crypto Comercios | https://cryptocomercios.io | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Ideal Crypto Investments | www.idealcryptoinvestments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fianacialwealth.co | www.fianacialwealth.co | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Wrex Miners Fx | www.wrex-minersfx.net | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Expert Option Fx | www.expertoptionfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Bullrush /Forex4noobs.com | www.forex4noobs.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Forex Managed Accounts / Fxmac | www.forexmanagedaccounts-fxmac.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Helix | https://www.helixglobal.org | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fidelite | https://fideliteltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Polkadot Scheme Inc | https://polkadotscheme.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Litebase Minners | www.litebaseminners.info | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Ovalefxcryptomarkets | www.ovalefxcryptomarkets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Dynamic Income | www.dynamicincom.xyz | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Mega-capitals.org | www.mega-capitals.org | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Ericotrades | www.ericotrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Castletnt / Castle Tnt / castle-tnt.com | https://castle-tnt.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Bit Funds Options / Bitfundsoptions.org | https://bitfundsoptions.org | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Dav 247 Cryptofx Trade / dav247cryptofxtrade.com | https://dav247cryptofxtrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Crypto Hash / Cryptohash.ltd | https://cryptohash.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Cryptoroid | www.cryptoroidupgrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Wealth Wise Way Finder | www.wealthwisewayfinder.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fxst Token | www.fxst.finance | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Fundminersfx | www.fundminersfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Virtual Asset Ventures | www.virtualassetventures.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
King Coins | https://www.kingcoins.org | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
C-invest Limited | https://c-investltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Pergtrade | https://www.pergtrade.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
Safeminingtec | https://safeminingtec.com | CONSOB - Italia | 18-06-2024 |
LevictousLtd.co | https://levictousltd.co | CONSOB - Italia | 17-06-2024 |
Aifmd | https://aifmd.xyz | CONSOB - Italia | 17-06-2024 |
RussellGroupFX | https://russellgroupfxx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 17-06-2024 |
LLCapitalFX | https://llcapitalfx.cc | CONSOB - Italia | 17-06-2024 |
Stocket | www.stocket.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 17-06-2024 |
Admiral Fx | www.fxsadmiral.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Invictet | www.invictet.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bibx.xyz | www.bibx.xyz | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bei24-7.com | www.bei24-7.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Milestoneinvestment | www.milestoneinvest.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Trade101 | www.trade101.ai | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Autorite Des Marches | www.autoritedesmarcher.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Oandaly | www.m.oandaly.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Bigfxinvest | www.bigfxinvest.io | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Metextraders | www.metextraders.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Capitalclique | www.capitalclique.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Asset Earners Ltd. | www.asset-earners.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Belvin Miners Ltd. | www.belvinminers.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
West Miners Ltd. | www.westminers.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Future Asset Capital Ltd. | www.future-assetcapital.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Peak Fund Miners Ltd. | www.peakfundminers.org | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Capitals Gain | www.capitals-gain.com | AMF - Quebec | 12-06-2024 |
Canox Investments Limited | https://canoxil-hk.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 12-06-2024 |
Trent And Castle | www.trentandcastle.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 12-06-2024 |
Incentive Investment Funds Plc | www.incentiveinvestment.com | CBI - Irlanda | 12-06-2024 |
Superforex -Finateqs Corp | https://superforex.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Crypto Trade Club Ltd | https://cryptotradeclub.ltd | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Ever Markets | https://evermarketsfx.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Cosmo Traders | https://cosmo-traders.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Escrypto Trade | https://escryptotrade.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Quantumlux | https://quantumlux-group.net | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Linq Capital | https://linq-capital.net | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Ag Trading Capital Investments Ltd | https://agtradingcaptinvtslt.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Toro Trade Pro | https://torotradepro.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Macrocapital-fx - Macro Capital Group Ltd | https://macrocapital-fx.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Investosea | https://investosea.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Wavestrader | https://wavestrader.io | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Segurofx - Falcon Ltd | https://segurofx.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Lycux | https://www.lycux.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Intertrader | https://www.intertrader.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Tradegpt350 Force - Trade Gpt 350 Force | https://tradegpt350.com | CNMV - España | 12-06-2024 |
Skytargetltd | https://skytargetltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 12-06-2024 |
Bitex | https://bestbitex.com | CONSOB - Italia | 12-06-2024 |
Delta-Stock | https://delta-stock.net | CONSOB - Italia | 12-06-2024 |
Winstone Investment Group | www.winstoneinvestmentgroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 12-06-2024 |
Capital Growth Limited | www.capitalgrowthltd.net | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Trustpodia | www.trustpodia.com | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Nz Rates Finders | www.nzratefinder.com | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Capitaliafx | https://capitaliafx.com | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Fintech Invest Limited / Elite Finance Capital | https://fintechinvlimited.com | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Earth Markets Global | www.earthmarketsglobal.org | MFSA - Malta | 12-06-2024 |
Cmc Trust | www.cmc-trust.net | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Avaplus600 | www.avaplus600.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Ulinex Global | https://ulinexglobal.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Goldentargets | https://www.goldentargets.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Sdex-Kapital | https://www.sdex-kapital.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Agewell Finances | www.aw-finances.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Kryptospurs | https://kryptospurs.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
www.forsterinv.com | www.forsterinv.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Olacco | https://olacco.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
The Patriotic Swiss Bank Public Company Limited | www.patrioticswiss.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Everest Trust | www.everestrust.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Cornelius Capital | https://corneliuscap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Invictus | www.invictusasset.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Atlaspay Sa | www.atlaspay.com | FINMA - Suiza | 12-06-2024 |
Reltex Group | https://reltexg.com | OSC - Ontario | 12-06-2024 |
Tig Capital / Tigcap Technology Innovators Growth Fund | www.tigcapital.io | OSC - Ontario | 12-06-2024 |
Global Invest Capital | www.gic-invest.biz | OSC - Ontario | 12-06-2024 |
Primeltd Inc. | https://primeltdinc.global | OSC - Ontario | 12-06-2024 |
Seastock24.com | www.seastock24.com | OSC - Ontario | 12-06-2024 |
Admiral Markets Europe | www.admiraleu.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Suitsfx | www.suitsfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Capital Partners Group | www.capital-partnersgroup.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Numberone Capital Markets | www.n1cm.com/en | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Alliance Reserve | www.alliancereserve.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Liberty Commercial Finance Ltd | www.libertycommercialfin.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Trueex Llc | www.trueex.io | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Ebc Financial Group | www.financial-81.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Netcoins Inc. | www.netcoins.zendesk.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Trust Financial Planning Ltd | www.trust-financial-planning.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Xtb | www.xtb-online.vip | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Wildmasonfx.com | www.wildmasonfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Wealth Arbitrage | www.wealth-arbitage.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Vendigital | www.user.vendigital.one | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Trust Purse | www.trutrvpo.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Trademirror | www.trademirror.online | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Tradeai.solutions | www.tradeai.solutions | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Trade Wise Ltd | www.tradewise.capital | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Toro Invest International | www.toroinvest.io | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Taura Capital | www.tauracapital.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Super Arbitrage Trading Pty | www.superarbtrade.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Steemwin | www.steemwin.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Seguro Fx | www.segurofx.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Safino-Group | www.safinogr.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Prime-Cc | www.prime-cc.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
One Trade Markets | www.onetrade-markets.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Novobrokers | www.novobrokers.net | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Nasedg | www.nasedg.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Mctrading | www.mctrading.io | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Master Trading Fx | www.mastertradingfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Magnum Trade | www.magnumtrade.io | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Liffecoin.com | www.liffecoin.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Jmi Gamiexm | www.jmigamiexm.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Integra Financial Solutions | www.ifs-lmtd.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Infinityfxs | www.xfinityfxs.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Ic-Crypto | www.iccrypto.co | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Graystone Venture Capital | www.graystone.vc | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Fidelis Wealth Management / Fwm-Ltmd | www.giscapital.ltd | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Eu Crypto Bank | www.eucryptobank.io | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Dodo Pro | www.m.dodoai.pro | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Digicoins www.digicoins.net | www.digicoins.net | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Cfd Capital Investment | www.cfdcapitalinvestment.net | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
C2cx | www.c2cx.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bstvo | www.bstvo.ca | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bikexplus | www.bikexpor.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bccryptotc-A | www.bccryptotc-a.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Bacco Capital | www.baccocapital.pro | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Arbitrage Trading | www.arbitragetrading.ca | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Amihedgestrade | www.amihedgestrade.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Allstocknow | www.allstocknow.com | ASC - Alberta | 12-06-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://www.fsaseychelles.com/163/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ALARIS FINANCE | https://alarisfinance.pro | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
OT Platform | https://ot-plat.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Strifor LTD | https://www.strifor.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
MTrading | https://mtrading.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Danwell | https://danwell.life/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
STARTRADER | https://www.startrader.com/ru/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Libertex | https://libertex.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Fondexx | https://fondexx.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
IFC Markets | https://www.ifcmarkets.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
GANN MARKETS | https://gannmarkets.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Bluestone Mining | https://bluestonemining.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ETERNITY PRIME LIMITED | https://eternity.inc/ru | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
blueskyminer | https://blueskyminer.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ARK Mining | https://arkmining.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
BTC Mining | https://btcmining.one/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
BIT-X CLUB. | https://bit-x-club.pro/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ACY Securities. | https://acyhk.com/ru/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
REVOLUTION FX. | https://revolutionfx.pro/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
FxPro. | https://www.fxpro.investments/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TRUST FUNDS. | https://trust-funds.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
AVAFX. | https://avafxglobal.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Moneta Markets. | https://www.monetamarkets.com/ru/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
NSFX. | https://www.nsfx.com/ru/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
GROWUP CAPITALS. | https://growupcapitals.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Cap24Trade. | https://cap24trade.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
FinWay. | https://finwaymarket.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
LEDTRINO | https://ledtrino.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
1000X | https://1000x.live/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
IQMining | https://iqmining.com/ru | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Oil Folex Ai | https://oilfolexai.com/ru/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Stability International Platform | https://stabilityin.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
SIMPLE MINER | https://simpleminers.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Currency miner | https://currencyminer.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
AGLOBALTRADE | https://ru.aglobaltrade.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Land Prime | https://www.landprime.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
CRYPTO MILITARY | https://cryptomilitary.tilda.ws/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
One Capital | https://onecapital.com.ua/ukr/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Dolphin Traders | https://dolphin-traders.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
онлайн-школа online - school SVIKK | https://svikk.biz/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Ridgeway Markets | https://ridgewaymarkets.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Canadian Capital Markets | https://canadiancapitalmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Mountain Bridge Investment House | https://mountainbridge.ca | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Sadex Group | https://sadexgr.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Globfoctrum | https://globalfoctrum.online | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Binoxtrade Ltd | https://binoxtrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Trojan Markets | https://trojanmarkets.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
InvoTrade | https://invotrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Exitos trade | https://www.exitostrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Whintex aka Whintex Capital Limited aka Whintex Capital Group Limited | http://www.whintex.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Globalfxp aka Global Fxp Markets | http://www.globalfxp.pro/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Olymp Capitals aka Olympcapitals | http://www.trade.olympcapitals.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
North-Questvest | http://www.north-questvest.online/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
QuantumStar aka Quantum Star | https://www.quantumstar.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
MyCapitalInvest24 | http://www.mycapitalinvest24.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Canada Bond Exchange | https://www.canadabondexchange.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
XTrader aka Xtrader | http://www.xtrader.ca/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ChainDigger GmbH | www.chaindigger.ch | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Canada Bond Exchange | www.smartchoices.io | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Suisse360 | www.suisse360.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Vourteige | www.vourteige.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
apitaliaFX, | https://alb.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TRUSTTRADING LIMITED | www.trusttrading-limited.net | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ELITE FINANCE TRADING | www.elitefinancetrading.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
WISE WEALTH TRADE | www.wisewealth-trade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TRADESPOINT PRO | www.tradespointpro.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Malbit succestrade | https://malbitsuccestrade.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ukcrypto stocks | https://ukcryptostocks.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
WDC Quantify | www.wdcagigpt.top | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TopcoinerFX | www.topcoinerfx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Broker, | www.interactivebrokers.co.uk | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
alliancetrustfundorg | https://trustalliance.uk/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
sfssltd.uk.com / sfssltd.org, | https://sfssltd.uk.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
4XAI / 4xai.net | https://4xai.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Infinity Growth Investment | www.infinitygrowthi.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
META TRADE FINANCE | www.metatradefinance.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
PROSPERBRIDGES | www.prosperbridges.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
MBM CAPITALS | www.mbmcapitals.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
STOCKLONG BRIDGE | www.stocklongbridge.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
BITNUX | https://bitnux.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
DYNAMIC RESORUCES INVESTMENT / DYNAMICRESORUCESINVESTMENT.LTD | www.dynamicresourcesinvestment.ltd | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
PRIMEGAIN | www.primesgain.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TITAN | www.titansglobal.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
EXPRESS TRADE | www.expresstradefirm.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
APEXMINING / APEXMINING.ONLINE | https://apexmining.online/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
ASSETGAIN.ONLINE | https://assetgain.online/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TRENTON ACQUISITION CORP | www.trentonacqcorp.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
QUALITYTRADINGFX | www.qualitytradingfx.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Goodprofxt.com | www.goodprofxt.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Realassets.cloud | www.realassets.cloud | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
XPERTFINANCETRADE | www.xpertfinancetrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
FXSupreme Trade / Sure FX nation | www.fxsupremetrade.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Equity Finance Market / Equityfincmarket.com | www.equityfincmarket.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Cryptosaxooption | www.cryptosaxooption.live | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
REALBASICKEY.LTD | https://www.realbasickey.ltd/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Morgan Stanley UK Ltd, | https://msclientmanagement.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Assets Premium | https://assets-premium.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Beta-Tech / beta-tech.io | https://beta-tech.io/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
STREAMBYT | www.streambyt.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
INTRIVAS CAPITAL | www.intrivascapital.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
crypto-com.ai/ cryptocom.ai | www.crypto-com.ai | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Equitix Investment Ltd, | www.equitix.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Delta-Stock, delta-stock.net, delta-stock.co | https://delta-stock.net/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
POY TRADE | https://poy-trade.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
EXPERT MINING | https://exp-min.org | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
TG CAPITAL | https://tgcapitals.com/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
SMART EARNERS | https://smartearners.org/ | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
CENTRALFTXTRADES | www.centralftxtrades.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
equitys-assets | www.equitysassests.com | FCA - Reino Unido | 04-06-2024 |
Universe Pay Group | www.universepgroup.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Cryptogo365 | https://es.cryptogo365.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Ufinacapital | https://ufinacapital.cc | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Contiflexventures | https://www.contiflexv.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade 360 Duac | https://tradeduac.net | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade Duac 360 | https://tradeduac360.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade Duac Ai | https://tradeduac.ai | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade Duac 5.0 | https://tradeduac.app | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade Duac 4.0 | https://tradeduac.co | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Coins Chain 365 | https://wallet.coinschain365.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Trade Eprex 5v - Trade Eprex | https://tradeeprex.net | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Billionaire Trade | https://billionaire-trade.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Hfxmetrics | https://www.hfxmetrixs.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Ace Market 365 | https://acemarket365.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Gomks | https://gomks.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
Xcell Investment - Xcell Invest | https://www.xcellinvestment.com | CNMV - España | 04-06-2024 |
GMT Brokers Ltd | https://gmtbrokers.com | CONSOB - Italia | 23-05-2024 |
Top Markets LTD | www.vantagecfd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 23-05-2024 |
TopTierCapital | www.toptiercapital.org | CONSOB - Italia | 23-05-2024 |
Marketsac.eu | https://marketsac.eu | CONSOB - Italia | 23-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://alfacapitalmarketsltd.net | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
JPMReview | www.jpmreview.net | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
XTXMK | https://xtxmk.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Gemate | www.gemateto.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Quantorex | https://quantorex.co | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Es Invests | https://es-invests.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Digicoins | www.digicoins.net/lander | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Billner Group | www.billnergroup.com | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Crown – Fx | www.crown-fx.com | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Eq Limited | www.eqlimited.net | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Lyraten | www.lyraten.net | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Detoro | www.detoro.pro | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
OneFxGroup | www.onefxgroup.com | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
F.G. Investment Ltd | www.fginvestmentltd.com | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
BeGlobalFund | www.beglobalfund.com | OSC - Ontario | 22-05-2024 |
Wp Invest/Hedge Wealth Partners | www.hedgewealthpartners.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Supermininfx.ltd | www.supermininfx.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Legitimatefxpro | www.legitimatefxpro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Wall of Trader | www.walloftra.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Fieldfin.ltd | www.fieldfin.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Eliteglobalminers | www.eliteglobalminers.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Globalskytrading | www.globalskytrading.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Flowsglobal | www.flowsglobal.net | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Solid -Trades Unit | https://solidtradesunit.live/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Crypto Flips | https://crypto-flip.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Volsticefundpro | https://volsticefundpro.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Principal World Accelerators | https://principalworldaccelerators.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Corbit Global BVS | https://corbitglobalbvs.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Access Finance | www.accessfinances.live | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Gbx Strategic Advisors | www.gbxstrategicadvisors.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Walthburg Capitals | www.walthburgcapitalsinc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Swiftvest 99 | https://swiftvest99.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Dalmore Capital Group Inc | www.dalmorecapitalgroupinc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Centre-Tradefx/Centre-Tradefx.com | https://centre-tradefx.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Btc Trade /Btctrade.world | https://btctrade.world/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Apex Market Otion Capital | www.apexmarketoption.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Rosen and Stevenson Business Associates | www.rosenandstevenson.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Apex Enterprises | www.apexenterprisesweb.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Capital Craft Trust | https://capitalcrafttrust.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
MetaXmainet | https://metaxmainet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Propine -Invest | https://propine-invest.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Financial Fair Marketings | https://financialfairmarketing.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Affinitiytraidoption | www.affinitytraidoption.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Financial Magnum | www.fin-magnum.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Profit – Shares | www.profit-shares.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
EquinoxTrust Bank | www.equinoxtrust.net | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Minersfinance | www.miners-finance.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Bitradeindex | www.bitradeindex.online | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Brit Finance | https://en.brit-finance.co.uk/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Zan Microfinance Bank | https://zanmicrofinancebank.xyz/ | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Hurwitz Vandenbroucke & Associates | www.hurwitz-vandenbroucke.com | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
Helpline Housingdisrepairclaims | www.housingdisrepairclaims.org.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 22-05-2024 |
www.ultimate-traders.com. | www.ultimate-traders.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.precisiontrade.io | www.precisiontrade.io | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.capitagains.com | www.capitagains.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.lplinvesting.com | www.lplinvesting.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.schwabeuinvesting.com | www.schwabeuinvesting.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.cg-markets.com | www.cg-markets.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.trade212.ai | www.trade212.ai | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Broker – Edge | https://broker-edge.co/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Novoricon Gmbh | www.novoricon.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Smartex | www.smartex.cfd | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
XHPX | https://xhpxpro.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Vourteige | https://www.vourteige.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Verify Markets | www.verify-markets.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Tradex4u | https://tradex4u.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Titanwealth24 | https://www.titanwealth24.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
TigersFM | https://www.tigersfm.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Swiss-Vests | https://swiss-vests.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
SkyTarget Ltd | https://www.skytargetltd.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Sfcap/Safecap Investments/Finalto | https://webtrader.sfcap.trade/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Sense traders | https://sense-traders.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Quopi | https://quopi.ai/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Promarket AI | https://promarket-ai.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Parenta Financal Services Ltd | https://www.parentafinancialservicesltd.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Omega Capital Markets | https://omegacm.net | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Lasbert | https://lasbert.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Invotrade | https://invotrade.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
High BTC Stock | https://www.highbtcstock.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
GMT Direct | https://gmtdirect.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
FX Margine | https://fxmargine.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Fortnomics | https://www.fortnomics.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Easy Trade | http://easy-trade.uk/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
DCY Markets | https://dcymarkets.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
CryptoCom AI | https://crypto-com.ai | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Coinsbit | https://coinsbit.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
CMCapitals | https://cmcapitals.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Chronovalor | https://www.chronovalor.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
BNP Groups | https://bnpgroups.co.uk/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Bitnomics | https://bitnomics.co | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
BFTCapitals/BFTCapitalspro | http://bftcapitals.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Immediate Intal | https://immediateintal.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Immediate Peak | https://immediatepeak.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Bitcode Method | https://bitcode-method.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
Algo Education | http://algoeducation.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 22-05-2024 |
www.funderstonefx.com | www.funderstonefx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 22-05-2024 |
www.knecht-partner.com | www.knecht-partner.com | FINMA - Suiza | 22-05-2024 |
www.vpcmgroup.com | www.vpcmgroup.com | FINMA - Suiza | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://sfcapital.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://portal-inversors.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://tradingav.org | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://immediateturbo.org/es | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bitcoinfastprofit.org/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://theimmediateturbo.com/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://immediate-turbo.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://immediateturbo.com/es | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everixedge.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://financial-peak.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://click-moneysystem.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bitcoinxapp.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bitalpha-ai.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://the-everix-edge-dark.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://the-everixedgegpt.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://the-everix-edge-app.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everix-edge.slltop.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everix-edge.app/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everix-edge.net/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everix-edge.org/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://everix-edge.io/es/ | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Exclusivexinvest | https://exclusivexinvest.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Quantum Openai | https://whethersuff.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Lazza Capital | www.lazzacapiatl.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Private Wealth Management | https://www.pwm.hk | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Web Trader Ltd | https://t-tg.cc | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Luna Capitals | https://luna-capitals.net | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Fidelity Wm | https://fidelity-wm.ai | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Rose Capital | https://rosecapital.ltd | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
BitIIplex Codes App | https://biticodes.com | CNMV - España | 22-05-2024 |
Beaumont | www.beaumont.com.co | KNF - Polonia | 16-05-2024 |
Vexchange / Venture Xchange | www.venturesexchanges.com | KNF - Polonia | 16-05-2024 |
Liberty Commercial Finance Ltd | www.libertycommercialfinanceltd.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Equithy | www.equithy.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
8vpro.com, 8vprot.com, www.8vprot.com, www.8vpro.com | www.8vprot.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Accerx / Accerx Universal Internationality Limited | www.accerx.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Aks Global Consulting | www.aksglobalconsulting.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Trubluefx | https://trubluefx.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
The Traders Domain / Traders Domain Fx Inc | www.thetradersdomain.com | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Woodpecker.run | http://www.woodpecker.run | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://eutradex.cc | FI - Suecia | 16-05-2024 |
Edisons Securities | www.edisonssecurities.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Xera | https://xera.pro | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
The Blockchain Era | www.tbe.io | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Bitmart Limited | www.bitmart-aabit.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Diamond Trade | www.diamondsplatform.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Cryptolarity | www.cryptolarity.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Equaledge | www.equaledge.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Electric Trades | www.electricstrades.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Sps Investment Services | www.sps-is.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Mentortrades | www.mentorstraders.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
ApexInvestments | www.apexinvestments.co | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
www.pacificfx.org | www.pacificfx.org | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Celinax Financial Company | www.celinax.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
www.mgsfin.com | www.mgsfin.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Peak Traders | www.peak-traders.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Swapbridge | www.swapbridge.pro | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Octaprimaxtrade | www.octaprimaxtrade.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
www.mainriverltd.com | www.mainriverltd.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Pinnacle Index | www.pinnacleindex.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Dtx Markets | www.dtx-markets.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Australian Investor | www.australian-investor.org | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Hera Investors | www.heraloans.world | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Sbscrypto | www.sbscrypto.com.au | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Quantum Ai | www.quantum-ai-ir03.digital-invest-club.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Granimator | www.febpayi.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
www.cfcor.com.au | www.cfcor.com.au | ASIC - Australia | 16-05-2024 |
Benton Hill Capital | https://www.bentonhillcapital.com | MFSA - Malta | 16-05-2024 |
Horizon Global Asset Management Ltd | https://www.horizonglobalassetmgt.com | MFSA - Malta | 16-05-2024 |
Fininex / Unlicensed Entity | https://fininex.com | MFSA - Malta | 16-05-2024 |
Remar Fundltd | www.remarfund.com | JFSC - Jersey | 16-05-2024 |
Prospectltd | www.prospectltd.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Crypto Hub Canada Inc. | www.cryptohubcanada.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
The Blackchain Solution | www.blackchain.solutions | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Sky Market Pro | www.skymarketpro.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Outbrainentire | www.outbrain-entire.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Super Coin Fx | www.supercoinfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Atbcrypto | www.atbcrypto.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Globalelitetrades | www.globalelitetrades.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Vimssr Pro | www.vims.one | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Whintex Capital Limited | www.whintex.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Catradepro | www.catradepro.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-05-2024 |
Ac Finance Limited | www.acfinancelimited.org | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Quantum Ireland Icav | http://www.quantumirelandicav.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Axonexchange | www.axonexchange.vip | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Affix Global Holdings | https://www.affixglobalholdingsltd.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Admirria Tech / Quadra Pro | https://admirria.tech/ | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Equity Budget | www.equitybudget.org | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Atlas Administration Ag in Liquidation | www.atlas-administration.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Suissealgo | www.suissealgo.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Trust-Invest | www.trust-invests.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Cr Strategie Management | https://strategie-management.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Tritone Capital Management Ag | www.tritonecapital.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
www.weitblickinvestment.ltd | www.weitblickinvestment.ltd | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Swiss Premier International | www.spibplc.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Robotbulls | https://www.robotbulls.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Nxs Fund | www.nxsfund.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Diamond Capitals | www.diamondcapitals.co | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Holding Investments Family | www.holding-investments-family.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
www.iosco.cc | www.iosco.cc | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Swiza Equity | https://swizaequity.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Königreich Deutschland / Königliche Reichsbank / Gemeinwohlkasse | https://krb.koenigreichdeutschland.org/de/ | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Ambit Capital | https://www.ambitcap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Noriculas Private Holdings | www.swinoricula.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
S.E.M Asset Management | www.seminvestfund.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://hz-cap.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Cbex Group | https://cbexokl.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Bitget Pro | https://bitgetprokl.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
United Investment Limited | www.unitedinvest-hk.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
www.hksfc.pro | www.hksfc.pro | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Luxey International Group | https://luxeyintgroup.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://dahsingfin.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Ac Markets Limited | www.ac-markets.net | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Abusa / Abusa Group Limited | www.glfxmcapital.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-05-2024 |
Immediate Maxair / Qwe123rty Ltd / Immediate 2.1 / Immediate Maxair 2.1 3V / Immediate Maxair 3.1 / Immediate 3V / Immediate 3V Maxair / Immediate I5 Maxair 3V / Immediat 3X Maxair / Immédiat 3X Maxair / Immediate Maxair I4 / Immediate Maxair I5 / Immedia | www.immediatemaxair.app | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Swisswealth | www.swisswealth.org | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Cfdinvest24 | www.cfdinvest24.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Rich Point Capital / Rich Point Capital Ltd / Nocim Ventures Inc. | www.richpointcapital.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Aegis Corporate Financial Services Limited | www.aegisfinancialservicesltd.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Onetouchinvest | www.onetouchinvest.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Milleniumchain | www.milleniumchain.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Bitcp Co. Ltd | www.bitcp.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Delta Trading Company | www.dtc24.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Synth Trade | www.synth.trade | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Xf24 | www.x-f24.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Intrafund Management Ltd | www.intrafund.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Fbp Capital | www.fbp-capital.pro | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Noma Capital | www.nomacapital.pro | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Active Financial | www.activefinancial.trade | AMF - Quebec | 16-05-2024 |
Pimco Asset Management Dac | www.pimcoprivatewealth.com | CBI - Irlanda | 16-05-2024 |
Infinity Forex Funds | https://infinityforexfunds.com | FMA - Austria | 16-05-2024 |
Blueholdings | https://blueholdings.io | FMA - Austria | 16-05-2024 |
Sense Traders h.o.d.n. Fx Wise | https://sense-traders.com | FMA - Austria | 16-05-2024 |
Duosoft Llc | www.equaledge.co | FMA - Austria | 16-05-2024 |
Cg Partners | www.cg-partnergroup.com | FMA - Austria | 16-05-2024 |
Vaxco | www.vaxco.io | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Ucoin Capital | https://ucoincapital.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Trading Center | http://trading-center.co | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Ifp Center | https://ifp.center | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Global Get Back | http://globalgetback.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Etoro / Torocoin | https://toroc.io | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Crypto Conduct Authority | https://commission-cca.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Claim Justice | https://claim-justice.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Apag-Audit Ag | https://apag-audit.org | FSMA - Bélgica | 16-05-2024 |
Jambin Asset Management International S.A. / Jambi Asset Management International S.A. | www.jupiterglobalinv.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-05-2024 |
Cabinet Global Partners | https://access.base-gestion-cl.com/login | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-05-2024 |
www.waystoneshares.com | www.waystoneshares.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://tolot-epargne.fr | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-05-2024 |
Luxgruppe Ltd / Luxgruppe.com | www.luxgruppe.net | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-05-2024 |
Portal Inversor | https://portal-inversor.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Everix Edge | https://everixedge.com/es | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Swisscap | https://swisscap.pro | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Ms Global Finance | https://cfd.msglobal.finance | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Kunderbank | https://kunderbank.io | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Kcapital.net | https://kcapital.net | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Immediate Code 360 | https://immediatecode-360.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Encorefx Global | https://encorefxglobal.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Caviex | https://caviex.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Bybitprofit | https://bybitprofit.io | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Bitasset | https://bitassetz.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
All Options | https://alloptionsint.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Trade Utopia / Utopia Financial Services Ltd | https://www.tradeutopia.net | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Tide Technologies Group | https://tidetechnologiesgroup.ltd | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Tfx Primes | https://www.tfxprimes.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Immediate Code | https://immediatecode-360.org | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Glob's Trader | https://www.globstrader.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Fintechmarket / Fintech Market Plc | https://fintechmarket-consulting.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Cryptoxphere | https://www.cryptoxphere.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Cristobis | https://www.cristobis.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Gci Prime Capital Ltd | https://gciprime.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Bmmc Investment / Vm Services Llc | https://bmmcinvestment.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Ax Trading | https://axtrading.io | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Advancedprofit / Htrendline Ltd | https://advancedprofit.cc | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Xtb Option | https://www.xtboption.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Universe Coin Miners | https://universecoinminers.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Emx Global Pro | https://emxglobalpro.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Xtrader 365 | https://www.xtrader365.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Trive 04 | https://trive04.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Waystoneshares | https://waystoneshare.com | CNMV - España | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://tradepropel.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-05-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://cmtradingfx.com/home/index | CONSOB - Italia | 16-05-2024 |
Paramount Consulting Services | www.paramountconsultingservices.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-05-2024 |
Mestieriplaza | www.mestieriplaza.com | CONSOB - Italia | 15-05-2024 |
Capitalpartners24 | https://capitalpartners24.eu | CONSOB - Italia | 15-05-2024 |
Sigma Capital | https://sigmacap.co | CONSOB - Italia | 15-05-2024 |
Bcs-gm | https://bcs-gm.com | CONSOB - Italia | 15-05-2024 |
CFD Active | https://i-activecfd24.com | CONSOB - Italia | 10-05-2024 |
Interactive | https://int-active.io | CONSOB - Italia | 10-05-2024 |
Shellinvestments | https://shellinvestment.net | CONSOB - Italia | 03-05-2024 |
TRADEONTOP Limited | https://tradeontop.net | CONSOB - Italia | 03-05-2024 |
High BTC Stock | www.highbtcstock.com | CONSOB - Italia | 03-05-2024 |
CFD Active | https://cfdactive.com | CONSOB - Italia | 03-05-2024 |
Immediate Peak | https://immediate-peak-app.com/es | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Immediate Trader / Immediate Ifex | https://immediatetrader.com/es | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Forexeze | https://forex-eze.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Immediate Revolution 360 / Immediate Evex 360 | https://immediate-revolution-360.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Altrix Edge | https://altrix-edge.io | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Deltacapitaltrade | https://deltacapitaltrade.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Axaforex | https://axaforex.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Automatical Bitcoin | http://automaticalbitcoin.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Altrix Edge | https://altrix-edge.org | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Deda Capital Markets Pty Ltd / 24markets | https://24markets.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Mexc | https://www.mexc.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Trustyswap | https://www.trustyswap.net | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
212-Investment.pro | https://trader.212-investment.pro/auth/login | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Iq Mining / Tunewo Ltd | https://iqmining.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Plus Trade Ltd | https://plustrade.co.uk | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Way Trading | https://www.waytradinginvestment.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Global Crypto Trade Alliance | https://globalcryptotradealliance.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Verimetric / Verimetric Securities / Verimetric Asset Management | https://verimetric.net/ | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 16-04-2024 |
www.airinvestag.com | www.airinvestag.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-04-2024 |
Genfer Vermögensverwaltung | www.genf-vw.com | FINMA - Suiza | 16-04-2024 |
Astronix Fund Ltd | www.astronixfund.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Dukasbance | www.dukasbance.io | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Finorax | www.finorax.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Hilltop Bazaar | www.hilltopbazaar.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Leonmarkets | www.leonmarket.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Libre Holdings | www.libreholdings.co | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Lux Capitals | www.luxcapitals.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Markethouse.io | www.markethouse.io | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Primiselite | www.primiselite.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Profxtradelive24 | www.profxtradelive24.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Sharptrade | www.sharptrade.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Tidex | www.tidex.ltd | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Trade The Bit | www.tradethebit.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Treasure Trade | www.treasure-trade.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Universal Wealth Group | www.universalwealthgroup.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Windsor Brokers | www.windsorbs.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Wobit | www.wobit.io | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Xpromarket | www.xpromarket.eu | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Canada Bitget Limited | www.bitget.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Biconomy Ltd | www.biconomy.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Pro Lite Options Trade | www.prolite.club | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Promax Trades | www.promaxtrades.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Qfs Ledger | www.qfsledger.org | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Starlink Ipo | www.ipo-watch.com | ASC - Alberta | 16-04-2024 |
Future Market | www.futuremarket.online | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Block-base.pro | www.block-base.pro | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Coinschain | www.coinschain.io | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Coinwzc.com | www.coinwzc.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Antcoins | www.antcoins.cc | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Standard Investment Hub | www.standardinvestmenthub.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Crypto-Royal | www.crypto-royal.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
Grand Power Trade / Grand Forex | www.grandpowertrade.com | AMF - Quebec | 16-04-2024 |
www.maxipayltd.com | www.maxipayltd.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Nzx Wealth Investments | www.nzxwealth.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Sirk Investments Limited | https://sirkinvestmentslimited.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Coinone Investments Limited | https://www.coinonewin.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Market2Cap | https://market2cap.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Nz Compare Rates | www.nzcomparerates.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
www.dunlapsignals.com | www.dunlapsignals.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Prime Allied Limited | www.prime-allied.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Mexc-Tobtc | www.mexc-tobtc.top | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Capital Base | www.capitalbasetraders.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Aim Asset Advisory Services Limited | www.aim-advice.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Glory Traders | www.glory-traders.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Digital Markets | www.digitalmarkets.online | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://www.noble-finance.net | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Kontech Venture | www.kontechventure.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Dyn3x | www.dyn3x.net | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Prime Finance Pro | www.primefinancepro.net | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Global Mining Ltd | www.globalminingltd.org | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Qoinix | www.qoinix.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Wall Street Exchange | www.wallstreet-fx.io | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Lumine Trade | www.lumine-ltd.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Express Market Cap | www.expressmarketcap.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Ramadan Fx | www.ramadanfx.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Verminiferous | www.verminiferous.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Bitcoin Evolution | www.bitcoinevolution.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Quant Finance Ltd | www.quantfinanceltd.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Topgate Bank | www.topgateplc.online | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Win4x | www.win4x.co.uk | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Fx-Wise | www.fx-wise.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Infinity Wealth | www.infinitywealthfx.net | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bellepierrecapitalgroup.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Quantumai | www.ronotors.online | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Venture Nest | www.venturenest.online | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
www.selectwealthmanagementpty.com | www.selectwealthmanagementpty.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
United Strategic Group | www.usgforex.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Fidelity Corp | www.fidelitycorp.co | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Onboard Capital | www.onboardcapital.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Au Venture | www.auventure.io | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Inqubeta | www.inqubeta.ai | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Bff Global Network | www.bffcrowdfunding.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Unibitmining | www.unibitmining.com | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Hash Miner | www.hashmining.io | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://www.sfltd.com.au | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
www.fiig-td.com.au | www.fiig-td.com.au | ASIC - Australia | 16-04-2024 |
Sure Bit International Pte Ltd / Sure Bit International Ltd / Sure X / Sure 9 | https://surexchange.io | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-04-2024 |
Bitcloud | https://www.tobitcloud.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 16-04-2024 |
All Capital Trade | www.allcapitaltrade.net | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Eternity-trade.io | https://eternity-trade.io | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Nixse | https://nixse.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Tbanque | https://tbanque.net | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Wisecapitalx | http://wisecapitalx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Autosmart Trades | https://autosmarttrades.net | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Toro Trade Pro | https://www.torotradepro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Finance24base | https://finance24base.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Mycapitalinvest24 | https://mycapitalinvest24.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Maple-Dex | https://mapledex.ca | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Profit Catalyst Hub | https://profitcatalysthub.com | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Milestoneinvestment | https://milestoneinvest.org | CONSOB - Italia | 16-04-2024 |
Forex Global Coin | www.forexglobalcoin.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Instancy Capital | www.instancy-capital.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Borton-Ackerman Management Group | www.borton-ackerman.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Bdm-investments.uk | www.bdm-investments.uk | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Trident Loans Financial Services | www.tridentloans.co.uk | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Articus | www.articusfinance.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Silver Stocktrading | www.silverstocktrading.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Panterra Investments | www.panterrainvestments.live | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Infinit View Plus | www.infinitvp.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Ande Finance / Andefinance.pro | https://andefinance.pro | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Allianceinvestments / Alliance-Investments.ltd | www.alliance-investments.ltd | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Unlimited Stock Trade | www.unlimitedstocktrade.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Asseticimfx | www.asseticimfx.net | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Heritage Digital Grant | www.heritagedigitalgrant.net | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Cape Fx Limited | www.capefxlimited.co | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Cg-clientservices.co.uk | www.cg-clientservices.co.uk | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Capital Bank | www.bankacapital.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Wealthstrade.com | www.wealthstrade.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
E-Global-Invests | www.e-global-invests.xyz | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Top Network | https://topnetworkdom.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Coperate-Finance | https://coperate-finance.org | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Union Acquisition Corp. II | www.unionacqcorp.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Taurexweb.com | http://www.zenfinex.co.uk/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Oakhamprivatewealth.com | https://oakhamprivatewealth.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Premiumzum | www.premiumzum.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Magnafg | www.magnafg.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Openways | https://openways.tech/ | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Artisan Capital Aps | https://artisancapitalaps.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Bitboxpro H.O.D.N. Bchworld | https://bitboxproex.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Hugo Capitals | https://hugocapitals.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Marketsecho | www.marketsecho.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Sis Capital Partners | https://www.siscp.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Cmcapital | https://www.cmcapitals.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Onechaincapital | https://www.1chain-capital.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Xstocktradingplatform | https://www.xstocktradingplatform.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Arbitrage Markets | https://arbitrage-markets.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
Digital Pro Exchange | www.digitalproexchange.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 16-04-2024 |
www.ubp26one.com | www.ubp26one.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.traderup.com | www.traderup.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.smart-epargne.com | www.smart-epargne.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.riacapital.pro | www.riacapital.pro | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.panda-life130.com | www.panda-life130.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.mywitrade.com | www.mywitrade.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.modestiacapital.com | www.modestiacapital.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.icmarket-trading.com | www.icmarket-trading.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.cryptoadviseruk.com | www.cryptoadviseruk.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.crptrade.com | www.crptrade.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.cfd.smart-epargne.com | www.cfd.smart-epargne.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.algo-revolution.com | www.algo-revolution.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.verse-corp-network.com | www.verse-corp-network.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.stargazecapital.co | www.stargazecapital.co | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.seedcapital.world | www.seedcapital.world | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.premiuminvestclub.com | www.premiuminvestclub.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.mirainvestments.ltd | www.mirainvestments.ltd | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.meridianfinance.pro | www.meridianfinance.pro | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.macrocapital-fx.com | www.macrocapital-fx.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.lcg.com | www.lcg.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.centrale-trader.com | www.centrale-trader.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
www.blkinvesting.com | www.blkinvesting.com | AMF - Francia | 16-04-2024 |
Sterling Equity Holdings | https://www.sterlingequityholdings.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Prominersfxt | https://www.prominersfxt.com | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Po Trade | https://po.trade/es | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Parallel Investment | https://parallelinvestment.io | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Oil Trader / Petrol Proair | https://oiltraderai.com/es | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Oil Folex | https://oilfolex.com/es | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Monte Verde | https://monte-verde.ch | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Krakcoin / Krakcoin Trading | https://www.krakcoin.co | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Internacional De Software Financiero Llc / Isf Capital | https://isf.capital | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Immediate Momentum | https://the-immediate-momentum.com/es/ | CNMV - España | 16-04-2024 |
Pu Prime | https://ru.puprime.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Gerco Capitals | https://gerco-capitals.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Hyperion Financial Management / Hfm | https://hfm-traders.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Perfectfxoptionlive | https://www.perfectfxoptionlive.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Premium Invest Club | https://www.premiuminvestclub.com/en/main.html | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Globalequity Fin.Net | https://globalequityfin.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Ultimate Fx World / Ultimatefxworld | https://ultimatefxworld.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Rightfx Trading | https://www.rightfxtrading.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Litegrowth | https://litegrowth.ltd | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Multibankfx | https://multibankfx.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Atompix | https://atompix.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxglory | https://fxglory.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Tier Trades | https://tiertrades.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bitfx Freedom | https://www.bitfxfreedom.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Morgan Option Trade Fx | https://www.morganoptiontradefx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
ApolloX | https://www.apollox.finance/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Misbtc Investments | https://misbtcinvestments.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Euroxtradefx | https://euroxtradefx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Cryptogo365 Ltd | https://ru.cryptogo365.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Arena Capital Digital Trading Platforms | https://www.arenacapitals.uk | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Wealth Paramount | https://wealthparamounts.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Finance Cryptofx | https://financecryptofx.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Xbtfx | https://xbtfx.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Woxa Ltd | https://woxa.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
FinUp | https://umidasamoenko.webflow.io/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Finiex Capital | https://finiexcapital.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Boeing Financial Management Limited | https://www.boeingltd.org | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Crypto Vision Limited | https://cryptovisions.org | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Mckenzie Frey Capital Partners | www.mckenziefreycapital.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bitfxmakestrade | https://bxtrademakes.online/index-2.html | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
M.B.F. Management Limited | https://mbf-limited.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Tonpex | https://tonpex.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Wisefex Invest | https://wisefexs-invest.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Crypto Earnes Trade | https://cryptoearnestrade.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Capitaltrustlimited.net | https://capitaltrustlimited.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Sun Miner | https://www.sunminer.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
S-Forex | https://s-forex.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
S-Pharmaceutical | https://pharmaticals.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
S-Ipo | https://s-ipo.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
4xc | https://4xc.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxgt | https://fxgt.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
T4Trade | https://www.t4trade.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Kot4x | https://kot4x.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Simplefx | https://simplefx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bit Virgo | www.bit-virgo.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Nutex | www.nutex.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
A Capital Group | www.acapitalgroup.co | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Okx558 | www.okx558.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
TriumphIncome | www.triumphincome.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Kensington Uctis Icav | www.kensingtonucitsicav.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Meta Bank Wallet | www.metabankwallet.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bbs Limited | www.bbslimited.co | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Roboinvest Inc. | www.robo-invest.ink | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Techvintage | www.techvintage.vip | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Quantumstar | www.quantumstar.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Invercoin | www.invercoin.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Vast Wealth | www.vastwealth.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Galaxybe | www.galaxybe.top | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Imperial Invest | www.imperialinvest.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Imperial Wealth Inc | www.imperialwealth.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Utr Group | www.utr.group.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
My Profitlive | www.myprofitlive.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Precis Reviews | www.precisreviews.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Trader Headlines | www.traderheadlines.com/ai/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Xtzcoin | www.xtzcoin.info | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
La Token Crypto | www.latokencrypto.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Marketplace.io | www.marketplace.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Idexs | www.idexs.vip | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Y Coin | www.ycoin.bond | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Green World Bank and Mgmt | www.greenworldbank.co | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Invest 365 | www.365fx.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Td Pool Explorer | www.tdpoolexplorer.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Securedcentsfx | www.securedcentsfx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
www.stonecoin.biz, www.stonecapitals.com | www.stonecoin.biz | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Kkr Global | www.kkrbit.coin | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Edy | https://edybit.cc | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Leveragesix | www.leveragesix.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
First Capital Market | www.firstcapitalmarket.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
Crypto Algoritm | https://platform84.net | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
Tradersbasefx Group Ltd | https://www.tradersbasefx.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
Chronovalor | https://www.chronovalor.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
Exorays | https://www.exorays.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
High Forecast | https://www.hiforecast.world | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-04-2024 |
The Uptrend Center | www.uptrendcenter.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Coin Wealth | www.coin-wealth.io | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Primal Exchange Ltd | www.primal-exchange.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Call4trade | www.call4trade.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Quitrade | www.quitrade.org | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Itrade / Itrade Limited | www.itrade.so | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Xcapital Group Limited | www.xtrader.ca | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Worldtradecenter | www.world-trade-center.io | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Olacco | www.olacco.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
Trade Galactica | www.tradegalactica.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
www.fiouest.com | www.fiouest.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Reltex group | www.reltexg.com | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
www.login.easyinvest1.fr | www.login.easyinvest1.fr | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Merrix | www.merrix.pro | AMF - Quebec | 04-04-2024 |
www.inaia.fr | www.inaia.fr | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Roi Fx | https://www.roitrader.me | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Foxyfoxtraders | https://foxyfoxtraders.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Bitcoin Investor Pty Ltd | https://bitcoin-investor-app.net/es | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Big Market Trade | https://bigmarketrade.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Swiss Capital | https://swisscapital.ltd | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Swiss Kms | https://swisskms.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Titanltdinvestments / Titanltdinvestments Limited | https://titanltdinvestments.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Premier Stock Mart | https://premierstockmart.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Antonio Scalper | www.antonioscalper.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Algoadvise | https://www.algoadvise.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Corevisionfunds | https://corevisionfunds.ai | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
O-Yields / Optimal Yield Limited | https://www.optimalyieldltds.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Coinmanna | https://www.coinmanna.io | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Bitsecuredfx | https://www.bitsecuredfx.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Evalonassets | https://evalonassets.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Smartcoinfx | https://www.smartcointradefx.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Gestores De Patrimonio / Ubb Miayer Si | https://www.gestoresdepatrimonio.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Financeiro Trader | www.finaceirotrader.com | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Atlantic Investimento | https://www.atlantic-investimento.com/pt-pt | CMVM - Portugal | 04-04-2024 |
Fidel Mortgagecredit Bank | https://www.fidelmortgagecredit.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Crypfund | www.crypfund.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Capital Adventure | www.capital-adv.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Boon Entity | www.boonentity.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
B-Trade | www.b-trade.uk | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Wealth Gain Invest | www.wealthgaininvest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Leonmarkets / Zoltect Solutions PTY Ltd. | www.leonmarkets.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Ariva Exchange | www.arrivaexchange.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
AJJ Finance Investment / Ajj Finance Inc | www.ajjfinance.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Plutus Legacy Trust / PlutusLegacy Trust | www.plutuslegacytrust.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Clark Financial Advisory Limited | www.clarkfinadv.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Doexcui.com | www.doexcui.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Liquidchart | www.liquidchart.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Swisscap | www.swisscap.pro | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Whintex | https://whintex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Braxton Wealth Management | https://braxtonwm.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Aegis Corporate Financial Services Limited Aegis | https://www.aegisfinancialservicesltd.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Wisewealth | https://wisewealth.ai | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Fin Tech Platform | https://fintechproplatform.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Lyraten | https://lyraten.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Republicantrades | https://republicantrades.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Ultradx | https://www.ultradx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Advanta Wealth | https://www.advantawealth.co | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Fx Markets | https://fxmarketsexchange.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Alltradingeurope26 | https://alltradingeurope.fr/fr/home-fr | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://akila-gestion.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Zbxchange clone di società autorizzata. | https://zbxchange.link | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Prosperi Investment | www.abbott-swiss.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Real Exclusive Investment | https://realexclusive.net/ | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
www.aardglobe-ag.com | www.aardglobe-ag.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
www.candor-wealth.com | www.candor-wealth.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
www.swissassetsmanagement.ch | www.swissassetsmanagement.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Btc Futures Hub Ltd | https://www.btcfutureshub.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
www.ranescapital.trade | www.ranescapital.trade | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://elston-management.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Pixoinvest | www.pixoinvest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Hqta | www.hqta.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Smt Capital | www.smtcap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-04-2024 |
Evotrade | https://evotrade.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Wellmax Capital | https://wellmax-capital.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Euro1nvest | https://euro1nvest.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Meteortrade | https://meteortrade.pro/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Investingvip | https://investingvip.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Invfx | https://invfx.co.uk | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Hashtrade | https://hashtrade.pro/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Everest Trade | http://everest.trade | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Ester | https://esterholdings.com/ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Icefx | https://ice-fx.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Iron Max Group | https://ironmaxgroup.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Kredo Capital Group | https://kredo-capital.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Toptrade | http://toptrade.fm | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Akcapital | https://www.akcapitall.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Big Money Team | https://bmt-brokers.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
12Trader | https://www.12trader.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
500Capital | https://500capital.com/index.html | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Gemuco | https://gemuco.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fin-Case | https://fin-case.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxpower | https://fxpower.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Battle Trade | https://battletrade.co/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Liquid Capital | https://liquid-capital.club | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
X100 Invest | https://x100invest.org | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Amberfx | https://amberfx.co | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bb Team Pro | https://bbtm.pro | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
ConcordInvest | https://concordinvest.pro/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Safe Invest | https://safeinvest.uk | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Barclay Stone Ltd | https://br-stone.net/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fbs | https://fbs.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Enterprise London Limited | http://enterpriselondonltd.easy-technologies.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Itaprofit | https://itaprofit.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Esperio | https://www.esperio.org/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Metadoro | https://metadoro.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Grand Choice | https://grand-choice.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fox Finance | http://fox-finance.com.ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Btg Capital | https://ru.btg-capital.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Forexclub Libertex | https://www.fxclub.org | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Powertrend | https://prtrend.org/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Umarkets | https://umarkets.net/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Ora Smart | https://oraqsmart.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Grand Capital | https://rus.grandcapital.trading | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Pelliron | https://pelliron.com.ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Amarkets | https://ua.amarkets.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Avatrade | https://ru.avatrade.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Hfm / Hf Markets | https://www.hfm.com/sv/ru9 | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Xm | https://www.xm.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Instaforex | https://www.instaforex.com/ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Forexagentreviews.com | https://www.forexagentreviews.com/go/ukraine-ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Askanti Group | https://askanti-group.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Exstocks Fins | https://exstocks-fins.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Instatrade | https://www.instatrade.com/ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Sky_Capital | https://skyproftrade.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Importcapital | https://importcapital.cc/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Life Is Good Company | https://lifeisgood.company | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Lig ltd | https://lig.ltd | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Hermes-ltd | https://hermes-ltd.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Uniteto | https://uniteto.live | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bestwaycoop | https://bestwaycoop.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Raceoption | https://raceoption.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Quotex | https://qxbroker.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Intrade Bar | https://intrade.bar | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Litefinance | https://www.litefinance.org/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxxopen | https://fxopen.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Icmarkets | https://www.icmarkets.com/global/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Deriv | https://deriv.be/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Deriv A Finance Company | www.derivinvestment.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Vantage | https://www.vantagemarkets.com/ru-ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Amega Global Ltd | https://www.amega.finance/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Hycm | https://www.hycm.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Accuindex | https://accuindex.com/rus | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Duar Soft | https://duarsoft.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Capitalxtend | https://capitalxtend.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Axiory | https://www.axiory.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fondexx | https://fondexx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Gonzo Invest | https://gonzoinvest.com.ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Forexchief | https://www.fcxchief.asia/ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Iqcent | https://iqcent.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Videforex | https://videforex.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Worldforex | https://kz.wforex.biz | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bethle Aster | https://blafx.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Forex Euroclub | http://www.fxeuroclub.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Vinex Trade / Тов | https://my.vintrade.io | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bitcoinbtc | https://bitcoinbtc.cc | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Trade.Com / Cfd | https://cfd.trade.com/en | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxstandart | https://fxstandart.com/ru/main/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Cauvocapital | https://cauvocapital.com/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Accent Forex | https://accentforex.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Ib Platform | https://ibplatform.info | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Trade Union Trust | https://tradeuniontrust.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Jfd Trade | https://ameriukr.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Tfx Pro | https://tfx-pro.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Capital ex Pro | https://www.capitalexpro.co | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Kona | https://kona.team | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Tradefora | https://tradefora.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Btq | https://btqink.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Ubk Markets | https://ubkmarketsethlink.on.fleek.co/ | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Xdirect | https://xdirect.ua | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
SM-Kdly | https://smkdly.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Toptrades | https://top-trades.net | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Mthub | https://mthub.io/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxcc Trades | https://fxcc-trades.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Fxpig | https://fxpig.com | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Errante | https://errante.com/ru | KNF - Polonia | 04-04-2024 |
Bull Bear Invest / Nexux Llc | https://bullbearinvest.io | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Maxcapitalimited | https://maxcapitalimited.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Finance Experts / Marathon Investments Limited | https://www.financeexpertsltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Globalfxp / Pine Consulting Ltd | https://globalfxp.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Geneve Fx | https://genevefx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Expertminingcryptocurrency.com | https://expertminingcryptocurrency.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Equity Trades | https://equitytrades.cc/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Bitwallet24 | https://bitwallet24.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Arkis Eguro | https://arkiseguro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Ambit Capital | https://ambitcap.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Fx Web Trader / Algotrading | https://web.fxwebtrader.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Ai Factor Group | https://aifactor.ai | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Icm Trader Llc | https://www.icmtrader.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Bright Investments | https://bright-investments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Altrix Edge | https://altrix-edge.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Tradeactive / Actv Global Markets Limited | https://tradeactive.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Altex Momentum | https://smartinvest4u.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Bitfxd | https://www.bitfxd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Octafx-Earns | https://octafx-earns.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Codealpay Verge | www.de-codealpayverge.org | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
World Start Bank | http://worldstartbk.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Vlot Lenen | https://bkrvrijleven.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Viari Services | https://viariservices.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Social Finance Plus | https://socialfinanceplus.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Snf Solution | https://cfnsolution.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Sanlem Krediet | https://sanlem-krediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Prêteur Privé Gautier | https://preteurprive-gautier.eu/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Prestige Krediet | https://prestigekrediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Prestig Unie | https://prestig-vereniging.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Prestatie Financieel | https://prestatie-fiancieel.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Network Influences | https://networkinfluences-invest.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Navex Group | https://navex-group.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
My Best Finance | https://mybest-finance.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Mutuel Group | https://mutuel-finances-groupe.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Mosaic Credit Solutions | https://creditmosaicsolutions.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Mirakel Compass | https://mirakelcompass.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Mijn Krediet Devoght | https://mijn-kredietdevoght.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Mevakelunix | https://mevakelunix.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Lenen Krediet | https://lenen-krediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Kredits Now | https://www.kreditsnow.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Kreditline | https://kredit-line.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Kredit Service | https://kredietservice24h.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Kredit Express | https://www.mykreditexpress.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Krediethub | https://krediethub.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Krediet Consolidatie | https://kredietconsolidatie.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Joafino | https://www.joafino.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Invest Group | https://investgroupfinance.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Inb Service | https://inb-service.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Grueland | https://www.grueland.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Groot Krediet | https://grootkrediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Geno Krediet | https://geno-krediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Geld Snel Krediet | https://geldsnel-krediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Flexibel Financieren | https://flexibelfinancieren.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Fino Concept | https://finoconcept.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Finanza Espresso | https://finanza-espresso.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Financial Network | https://www.financial-network.net/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Financement Rapid | http://financement-rapid.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Finaid Services | www.finaid-services.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Extramex Geld | https://extramexgeld.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Evok Finances | https://evok-finances.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Eurlening | https://eurleningltd.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Esay Loan | https://www.esayloan-online.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Egs Geld | https://egs-geld.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Direct Geldkrediet | https://direct-geldkrediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Credipex | https://credipex.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Courtage Express | https://courtage-express.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Consulting lener | https://consulting-lener.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Chrono Inter Krediet | https://chronointerkrediet.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
CF Services Plus | https://cf-services-plus.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Bosphore Credit Sprl Finloan Services | www.finloan-services.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Be Snel Financien | https://be-snelfinancien.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Batys & Services | https://batyx-services.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Balaskas Krediet | https://k-balaskas.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Axu Finance | https://axu-finance.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Andenne Assur | https://andenne-assur.com | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Acarix Groupe | https://acarix-groupe.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 25-03-2024 |
Nordic Ct | www.nordic-ct.com | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
Tradevision365 | www.tradevision365.com | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
Wfm International | www.wfminternational.com | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
How2Crypto | www.how2crypto.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Alter-coin | www.alter-coin.net | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Titanwealth24 | www.titanwealth24.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Magna Fx | www.magna-fx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Epargnecrypto | www.epargne-crypto.io | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Tradecryptomasters | www.tradecryptomasters.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Forex Earn Cryptos | www.forexearncryptos.live | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Cfd Capital | www.cfdcapital.net | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Zgse Group | www.zgsevip.top | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Skyhigh-traders | www.skyhigh-traders.com | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Pibuxoiv | www.pibuxoiv.vip | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Polaxgroup | www.polaxgroup.co | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Elitebrokers | www.elitebrokers.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Quopi Ai / Quopi Ltd | www.quopi.ai | CONSOB - Italia | 19-03-2024 |
Heptagon Investments , | https://heptagoninvestments.net | MFSA - Malta | 19-03-2024 |
Bitcode Prime , | https://bit-codeprime.com | MFSA - Malta | 19-03-2024 |
Safe Invest | https://safe-invest.space/ | ASF - Rumanía | 19-03-2024 |
Hyperverse | www.hyperverse.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Lra Corporate / Lrac | www.lra-corporate.com.au | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Boomerang | www.boomerang.trade | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Commitem | www.helps-commitem.info | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Awhina Financial | www.awhinacapital.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Global Prime Trade 24 | www.globalprimetrade24.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Bystocks | www.bystocks.org | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Tesla X Trade | www.teamxvest.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Zorro Markets | www.zorromarkets.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Mv Profit | www.mvprofit.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Vortex Traders | www.vortex-traders.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Moon Crypto Invest | www.mooncryptoinvest.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Bitmake Global | www.bitmake.global | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Eth Mining | www.ethmineg.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Quantum Ai | www.quantumai.co | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Powertrade | www.powertrade-bd.com | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Apex 360 | www.apex360.io | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Immediate Connect | www.immediateconnect.net | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Immediate X3 | www.immediateurex.app | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Weareallsatoshi | www.weareallsatoshi.org | ASIC - Australia | 19-03-2024 |
Bittrexfx | www.bittrexfx.com | ASC - Alberta | 19-03-2024 |
The Financial Investment Group | www.thefinancialigp.com | ASC - Alberta | 19-03-2024 |
Aurat Systeme Ag In Liq | www.aurat.ch | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Wfm International | https://www.wfminternational.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Tradesafer | www.tradesafer.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Ipm International Portfolio Management Ag | www.ipm-invest.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Suissexm | www.suissexm.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Fx Margine | www.fxmargine.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Shiba Markets | www.shibamarkets.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Omega Bank | www.bankomega.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Swishpay Ltd | www.swishpay.ltd | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Rockstonetrust | www.rockstonetrust.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
www.terri-finance.com / www.terri-finance.net | www.terri-finance.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Capit Invest | www.capitinvest.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Pyroworld / Pyro Coin Sa | https://pyroworld.net | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Staking Cap | https://www.stakingcap.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Key4win | https://key4win.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Algo-Revolution | https://algo-revolution.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
M.B.F. | https://mbf-limited.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Golden Brokers | https://www.goldenbrokers.my | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Hf Markets Fintech | https://hfmarkets-fintech.com/es | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Meta Otc | https://www.meta-otc.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Neotrades | https://neotrades.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Zeal Capital Market Limited | https://www.zfx.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Gardacapitals | https://www.gardacapitals.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Iforexoption24 | https://iforexoption24.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Morgan Finance | https://morganfinance.pro | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Infinity Invest | https://infinityinvest.biz | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Vortexyl | https://www.vortexyl.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Flowbank | https://www.flowbank.com | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
Bitgpt.app | https://www.bitgpt.app/es | CNMV - España | 19-03-2024 |
www.hysuncapital.com | www.hysuncapital.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
Gpi Consultants | www.gpiconsultants.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
www.oslint.com | www.oslint.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
Hskex | https://www.hskexpro.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
www.oslexu.com | www.oslexu.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
Bitforex | https://bitforex.com/ | SFC - Hong Kong | 19-03-2024 |
Quitrade | https://www.quitrade.org | AFM - Países Bajos | 19-03-2024 |
Bigfxinvest | https://www.bigfxinvest.io | AFM - Países Bajos | 19-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://blue-holdings2.com/ | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 19-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://mycapitalatwork.com | CSSF - Luxemburgo | 19-03-2024 |
Zertom | https://www.zertom.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Xtrader365 | https://www.xtrader365.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Wisewealth | https://wisewealth.ai/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Wells Trader | https://wellstrader.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Vivoholding | https://vivoholding.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Uxcoins | https://uxcoins.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Tradiora | https://tradiora.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Trademay | https://trademay.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
TradeCryptoMasters | https://www.tradecryptomasters.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
TradeAI Group | https://tradeai-group.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Tpc Invest | https://tpcinvest.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Skyhigh Traders | https://skyhigh-traders.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Sgx Digital | http://www.sgx.digital/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Qcfinances | https://qcfinances.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
PrimefinanX | https://primfinanx-flow.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Parallel Investment | https://parallelinvestment.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Onewiex | https://onewiex.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Nfg Finance | https://www.nfgfinance.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Naristech | https://naristech.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Mobatrade | http://mobatrade.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Merrix | https://merrix.pro/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Market2cap | https://market2cap.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Ltd Capital | https://www.ltd-capital.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Jss Investments | https://www.jss-investment.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Jby Capital | https://jbycapital.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Ixxen | https://ixxen.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Intrafund | https://www.intrafund.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Ibplatform | http://ibplatform.tech/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Hfinvest | https://hfinvest.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Fvp Trade | https://fvptrade.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Fundiza | https://fundiza.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Fmasters | https://fmasters.io/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Flaregain | http://flaregain.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Exopip | https://www.exopip.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Equities Reserves | https://equitiesreserves.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
EdgeFinance | https://edgefinance.ltd/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Doex | https://doexgf.co/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Digital Century | http://digital-century.net/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Dax.Pro | https://www.dax.pro/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Ctrl Investments | https://www.ctrl-investments.cc/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Coscoin | https://coscoins.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Coinexmax | https://coinexmax.org/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
City Markets | www.city-markets.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Cfx Fund | https://cfxfund.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Bitcoin Knight | https://trade.bitcoin-knight.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Atb Markets Pro | http://www.atbmarketspro.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Assets Premium | https://assets-premium.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Arbitrage Genius | https://arbitrage-genius.ai/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Advanced Traders | https://advanced-traders.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Absolutecoinmarkets | https://absolutecoinmarkets.com | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Traderai | https://traderai.me/contact/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Immediate Bitwave | https://immediatebitwave.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Immediate Alpha | https://immediatealphaapp.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Admirria | https://admirria.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
Bitcoineer | https://btceer.com/ | FSMA - Bélgica | 19-03-2024 |
FX Auto-Trade Max | https://fxautotrademax.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Standard Investment Hub | https://www.standardinvestmenthub.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Canada Token Trade | http://www.canadatokentrade.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Signet Capital | https://www.signetcapital.cc/ | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
A-Trade | http://www.a-trade.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Active Capitals | http://www.active-capitals.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Naristech | http://www.naristech.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Pro Trade Capital | http://www.protradecapital.net | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Lasbert | http://www.lasbert.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
V-Brokers Vgb | http://www.spybit.io | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Insight Consulting Group | http://www.insightconsultinggroup.io | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Crystal Wave | http://www.crystalwave.io | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Apex Financial | http://www.apex-financial.group | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Al Option | http://www.aloption.io | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Wilton Options | https://www.wiltonoptions.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Bull400 | http://www.bull400.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Titanium Arrow | www.titanium-arrow.com | OSC - Ontario | 19-03-2024 |
Tidal Financial Services | www.tidalfs.com | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
Seaton Trustees | www.seatontrustees.org | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
Medium Global Strategy | https://www.mgsfin.com | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
J Rothschild | www.jrothschild.org | FI - Suecia | 19-03-2024 |
India Trade Investment | www.indiatrade-invest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Earth Markets | https://earthmarkets.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Tezos Markets | www.tezosmarketslc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Ocean Wealth Investment International | https://oceanwealthinvest.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Alphas Crypto | https://alphascrypto.co | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Investment Synergy | www.investmentsynergy.co.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Spindle Trades / Spindletrades.com | https://spindletrades.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Paramount Growth | www.paramount-growth.org | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Qubittech | https://www.qubittech.ai | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Autoline Invest Group | https://autoline.grou | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Wecauto | https://wecauto.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
New Millennium Centre Ltd | https://newmillenniumcentre.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Traders Home | https://tradershome.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Exlimited | https://excogroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
B2B Jewelry | http://www.b2bjewellery.top/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Just2Trade | https://just2trade.online | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Lblv Connecting Traders | https://lblv.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Get4me | https://gem4meinvestments.eu | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Roboforex | https://www.roboforex.ua | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Fibo Group | https://ua.fibogroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Ftc | https://ftc.vin | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Iqoption Ltd | https://iqoption.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Olymp Trade | https://olymptrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Binomo | https://binomo.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Israel-Investments | https://www.israel-investments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Tsentr Birzhovykh Tekhnolohiy | https://cbt.center/ua | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Ronex | https://ronex.io | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Libra Capital | https://libra-capital.io | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Nordfx | https://nordfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
United Traders | https://unitedtraders.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Pocketoption | https://pocketoption.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Finmax | https://finmaxbo.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Binarium | https://binarium.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Excentral | https://excentral-int.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Milton Markets | https://miltonmarkets.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Trade Margin Technologies | https://tmtgroups.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Maxwell | https://maxwell.fm | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Freshforex | https://freshforex.org/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Vlom | https://ru.vlom.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Amerom | https://amerom.de | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Midas Goldsmith | https://midasgoldsmith.org | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
24option | https://www.24option.com/international/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Rwb Group | https://rwb-gr.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Mc Quick Sale | https://msquicksale.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Esmp | https://e-smp.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Avalon Technologies | https://avalon.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Quick E-Tools | https://quicketools.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Tdi Partners | https://tdipartners.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Vmc Global | https://vmc-global.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Ft-Traders | https://ft-traders.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Mrg-Ss | https://mrg-ss.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Conventus Group | http://www.conventusgroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Aso Partners | https://asopartners.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
A-T-em broker | https://a-t-em.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Finansa | https://finansa.co/ru | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Sincere Systems | https://sincere.systems/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Npbfx | https://www.npbfx.info | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Gerchik & Co | https://gerchik.co/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Want Broker | https://i-want.broker/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Golden Stanley | https://goldenstanley.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Kiexo | https://ru.kiexo.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Stadler Invesment Group | https://stadler.ua/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Stadler Investment | https://invest.stadler.ua/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Miya Holding | https://miya.holdings | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Atiora | http://atiora.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Adal Group | https://adal-royal.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Forex4you | https://www.forex4youru.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Fortrade | https://www.fortrade.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Trust Macquarie Capital | https://trust-m-capital.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Investmarkets | https://www.investmarkets.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Justtradingcompany | https://justtradecompany.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Alfatrust | https://alfatrust.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Dowmarkets | https://dowmarkets.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Utrader | https://ru.utrader.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Trend Broker | https://www.trend-broker.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Primotrade | https://primotrade.co/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Kiplar | https://kiplar.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Legacyfx | https://int.legacyfx.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Toptrade Group | https://toptrade.group/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Alpha Portfolio Management Ltd | https://www.alphaportfolioltd.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Maxiplus | https://maxiplus.trade/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Teletrade | https://teletrade.com.ua | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Everfx | https://global.everfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Royal Trust Group | https://trading.royal-trust-group.org | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Gttc Trade | https://gt-tc.trade/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Finvesting | https://finvestings.com/ru | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Trading Global | https://lk.tradingplatform.finance | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Limefx | https://limefx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Quotex | https://qxbroker.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Grand Stock | https://grand-stock.org/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Fndeal | https://trade.fndeal.com/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Zoxir | https://zoxir.com/ru | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Hallip | https://hallip.com/ru | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
He Llc | https://he-llc.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Liquid Deposit | https://liquiddeposit.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Partnergl | https://partnergl.net/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Profitfife | https://profitfife.com/ru/ | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Atlantic Sec Eu | https://www.atlanticseceu.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Verify-Markets | https://verify-markets.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Arco Exchange | https://arcoexchange.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Monecoplus | https://monecoplus.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Bins / Binsmarkets / Veetta Fx Global Limited | https://binsmarkets.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Euocta Fx | https://my.euoctafx.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Elland Road | https://www.ellandroadcapital.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Investax Management | https://investaxmng.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Accurewealthtrade | https://www.accurewealthtrade.net | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Xr Continental Ltd | https://xrcontinental.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Basetrade Global | https://www.basetradeglobalinvestment.net | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
London Capital Group Ltd / Lcg Limited Lcg, | https://www.lcg.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Capitalmarket24 | https://capitalmarket24.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Financeiro Trader | https://finaceirotrader.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Euro Börse Group / Euroborsegroup Limited | https://euroborsegroup.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Magallanes Value | https://magallanes-value.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
Valor-Trades | https://valor-traders.com | CNMV - España | 14-03-2024 |
City Markets | https://city-markets.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-03-2024 |
Trustkeyfx | https://trustkeyfx.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 14-03-2024 |
www.rif-capital.com | www.rif-capital.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Dynex | www.1dynex.net | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Cmc Trust | www.cmc-trust.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
www.basetradingsfx.com | www.basetradingsfx.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Xrpxrp | www.xrpxrp.io/xrp | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
www.stkaccess.com / www.stkcorp.com | www.stkaccess.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
One Two Invest | www.onetwoinvest.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Immediate Apex | www.immediateapex.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Graminator | www.febmediab.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Aurora Capital Finances | www.auroracfinances.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Virtual Wealth Exchange | www.virtualwealthexchange.net | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Hedgetrust Investment Ltd | www.hedgetrustinvestment.com | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Capitaltradex | www.capitaltradex.net | OSC - Ontario | 14-03-2024 |
Phoenix Tb | www.phoenixtb.io | ASC - Alberta | 14-03-2024 |
GlobalStock365 | www.globalstock365.com | ASC - Alberta | 14-03-2024 |
Investoscope | https://www.investoscope.io | MFSA - Malta | 14-03-2024 |
Reviteam Invest | www.reviteaminvest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 14-03-2024 |
Dextech Ag | https://efin.com | FINMA - Suiza | 14-03-2024 |
Tradiora | www.tradiora.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Golden Shark Company | www.gs-company.pro | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Mycapitalinvest24 | www.mycapitalinvest24.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Thepanther | www.thepanther.io | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Absolutefxsignals | www.absolutefxsignals.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Secure Fx Crypto Trade | www.securefxcryptotrade.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Xsharesmarketing | www.xsharesmarketing.com | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Elite Trader | www.elitetrader.io | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
O-X Trade | www.o-x.trade | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Qfs Ledger | www.qfsnesaragesara.online | AMF - Quebec | 14-03-2024 |
Greenland Finance Enterprise | www.greenlandfinenterprise.com | FSA - Seychelles | 14-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://ar.trothfx.com | FSA - Seychelles | 14-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://actaswiss.com | FSA - Seychelles | 14-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bullcopytrade.com | FSA - Seychelles | 14-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://hkexcoin.vip | SFC - Hong Kong | 14-03-2024 |
www.lfmtrade.com | www.lfmtrade.com | SFC - Hong Kong | 14-03-2024 |
www.tbulls.com.hk | www.tbulls.com.hk | SFC - Hong Kong | 14-03-2024 |
Nordix Chain | www.nordix-chain.com | FI - Suecia | 14-03-2024 |
Shetland-investments.com | https://shetland-investments.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Future Earners | https://future-earners.net | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Coin Grow Investment | https://coin-grow.online | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Wisefexinvestmentfirm / Wisefexinvestment | https://wisefexinvestmentfirm.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Assethub | https://assethub.net.in | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Bentley Market Portfolio | https://bentleymarketportfolio.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Quantum Asset Inc / Quantumassetinc.com | https://quantumassetinc.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Prime Assets Pro | https://primeassetspro.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Acetrade | www.acetradeprime.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Cryptocians Ltd | www.cryptcianlt.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Globe-Finanx | https://globe-finanx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Standardcryptominer | https://standardcryptominer.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Coin Tuneal | https://coin-tuneal.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Payday Money | www.paydaymoney.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Unique-Mines | https://unique-mines.org | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Coinwealthlimited.Com / Coinwealth Limited | https://coinwealthlimited.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Nexo-Coins.Ltd / Nexo Coin | https://nexo-coins.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Minifirm Investment | https://minifirm-investment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Rotexmining | https://rotexmining.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Maxmining Investment | https://maxmining-investment.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Atomicfxonline / Atomic fx | https://atomicfxonline.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Capital Advisory Limited | https://capitaladvisoryltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 14-03-2024 |
Axon Holdings | www.axonholdingsltd.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Forbes Capital Partners | www.forbescapitalpartners.org | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Titan Trustees / Monet Heritage / Fox Asset Finance / FCS Assets / Metro Capital | www.titan-trustees.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Gs Partners | www.gspartners.global | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Early Offerings | www.earlyofferings.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Ipo Alerts | www.ipo-alerts.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Riseup Trade | www.clientzone.riseup-trading.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Stonebridge Limited | www.stonebridge-limited.net | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
All Capital Trade | www.allcapitaltrd.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Capitalswise | www.capitalswise.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Safetradenet | www.safetradenet.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Wisecapitalx | www.wisecapitalx.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Braxton Wealth Management | www.braxtonwm.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Sabbite | www.sabbite.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Prime Group | www.primgroup.global | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Sevenseasfx | www.7seasfx.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Trcmasters | www.trcmasters.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Luminetrades | www.luminetrades.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
One Fx Trading | www.onefxtrading.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Zta | www.ztasoc.vip | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Direct-Traders | https://direct-traders.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Moon Star | https://www.moon-star.io | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Luminetrade | https://www.luminetrade.com | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Online Cloud Ltd | https://capitalgates.io | AFM - Países Bajos | 04-03-2024 |
Royal Dimex Ltd | https://www.royaldimex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Well-Street | https://www.well-street.co | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Five Tiger | https://www.fivetiger.company | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sectormetatrade | www.sectormetatrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bridge Water Banking | www.bridgewaterbanking.online | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Visionfx / Tradevision | www.visionfx.me | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Digital-Century | www.digital-century.co | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Cryptonex | www.cryptonex.bond | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Kingdom Wealth Exchange Inc. / Kingdom Wealth Exchange / Indxcoin | https://indxcoin.com/ | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Imperial Wealth International | www.imperialwealthint.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Brokertec | www.brokertec.org | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Ic-Crypto | www.ic-crypto.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Wealthpros365 | www.wealthpros365.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Wealth Retrieval | www.wealthretrieval.org | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Fxtrade247 / Fxtrade 247 | https://fxtrade247.com/en/index.html | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Alter-coin | https://www.alter-coin.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Biking Exchange / Biking Financial Ltd | https://www.bikingex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Cfdinvest24 | http://www.cfdinvest24.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://1180235.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.newpc-hk.com, | www.newpc-hk.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://cortinacap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
MarketTrends Education | www.markettrends.education | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Elite Digit Option | www.elitedigitoption.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Nova Tech Ltd | www.novatechfx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Robo Invest | www.robo-invest.one | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Oasis Wealth Pty / Oasis Wealth | https://www.oasis-wealth.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Andrew Ingham Investments | www.a-iinvestments.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Technique | www.techblare.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bit Gpt Ai | www.becomingaitech.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
CashFlow Investment | www.cashflowinvest.org | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Wemix | www.wemixbtc.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Aventigo | www.aventigo.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Finmark Corp | www.finmarkcorp.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Auto Live Trade View | https://autolivetradeview.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
The Financial Centre | www.financialcentre.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Spacxtrade /Spac X Trade / Spacxtrade | https://spacxtrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Ant Coin | www.antcoin.vg | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Choose Capital | www.choosecapital.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Stockholm Holdings | www.stockholm-holdings.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Onyx Traders | www.onyxtraders.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Obv Markets Llc | www.obvmarkets.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Traderprofx | www.traderprofx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Ace Profit | www.aceprofit.live | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Mgs Financial | www.mgs-financial.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Profit Palace | www.profitp.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Rock Chain Fxc | www.rockchainfxc.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Mgm Global | www.mgmglobal.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Yuan Profit International Sa | www.premiumclassdeal.top | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Altius Trades Group | www.altiustradesgroup.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Globally-Investments Limited | www.globally-invest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://bnbyw9.top | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
National Trade Centre | www.thenationaltradecenter.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bt | www.exchangemarket-bt.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Geowex | www.geowex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Fp Capitals | www.fpcapitals.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Rayz Liquidity Corp | www.rayzliquiditycorp.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Oxiana Group | www.oxianagroup.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Smart Finex | www.smartfinexchange.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
AI-Globalgroups | www.ai-globalgroups.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Nard Capital | www.nard.hk | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
BBitCoin | www.bbitcoin.ai | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Stocksfxbrokers | www.stocksfxbrokers.live | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Mc Kingsley Ltd / Mc Kingsley | https://mckingsleyltd.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.learntrade.ca | www.learntrade.ca | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Elon Coin Trade | www.eloncointrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Zorromarkets | www.zorromarkets.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Luminetrade | www.luminetrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://my-cfa.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bnance Th | www.binancethpro.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Quantum Ai | www.quantum-ai-new3.digital-invest-club.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Epoch Daytrades | www.epochdaytrades.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Quantum Ai | www.beertaill.pics | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Tradesafer | www.trade.tradesafer.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Equities Reserves | www.equitiesreserves.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Blue Stars Fx | www.bluestarsfx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Rectar Capital Options | www.rectarcapitaloptions.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://tradinglvls.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Trader Ai | www.bestlimiteddls.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Profit Masters | www.profitmasters.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://capitalmanagedinvestmentsglobal.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Astro Pro Fx Trades | www.astroprofxtrades.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Auto Mining Platform | www.autominingplatform.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Balance Trade | www.balance-trade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bbex Pro | www.bbexpro.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
B Bitcoin | www.bbitcoin.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bitfx Traders | www.bitfx-traders.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Btc Markets | www.btcmarkets.ai | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bulls On Wall Street Live Trade | www.bullsonwallstreetlivetrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Coinmac Trade Fx | www.coinmactradefx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Cryptx Capital Fin | www.cryptxcapitalfin.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Digital Forex Market | www.digitalforexmarket.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Elite 24 Trade Pro | www.elite24tradepro.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Elite Cfds | www.elitecfds.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Elite Coinify Market | www.elitecoinifymarket.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Epsilon Fx | www.epsilonfx.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Expert Option XX | www.expertoptionxx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Expert Trade | www.experttrade.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Financial Gates | www.financialgates.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Fxs High Asset Mining | www.fxshighassetmining.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Hyper Seed Execution | www.hyperseedexecution.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Konoha Fx | www.konohafx.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Max Equity Options | www.maxequityoptions.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Megkoin Trade X | www.megkointradex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Stageonline Crypto Investments | www.pg.stageonlineci.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Smart Digital Fx | www.smartdigitalfx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
State Bit | www.state-bit.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Titan Gap | www.titangap.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Trade Wins 4 Future-Forex | www.tradewins4futurefx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Yellow Stone Fx | www.yellowstonefx.io | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Kingslane-Securities | https://kingslane-securities.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Vergomarkets / Vergomarkets.com | https://www.vergomarkets.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Marketmastery Online / Marketmasteryonline.com | https://marketmasteryonline.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Fiat360 / Fiat360.com | https://fiat360.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bullpro Trade / Bullprotrade.com | https://www.tmgm.com.au/en-au | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Tmgmsvip.com | https://tmgmsvip.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Afikoman Finances / Afikomanfinances.com | https://afikomanfinances.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Eth / Eth10.usdtgooddefi.com | https://capital-flow.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Choose Capital / Choosecapital.com | https://client.choosecapital.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Vastrapidtrade / Vastrapidtrade.com | www.vastrapidtrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Starfundsfx.com | www.starfundsfx.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Omexbanc Inc / Omexbanc.net | www.omexbanc.net | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.capitalmanagedinvestmentsltd.com | www.capitalmanagedinvestmentsltd.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Advancedmarkets | https://advancedmarkets.live | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
The Revenue Center Pro / Revenuecenterpro.com | https://revenuecenterpro.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Banana Miner / Bananaminer.xyz | https://bananaminer.xyz | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Cloud Crypto Ltd / Cloud-crypto.org | https://cloud-crypto.org | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Atfx / Atfx.at/Assets | http://atfx.at/assets | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://comparefixedincome.com.hk | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Sin Nombre (ver URL) | https://artisfinance.pro | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Rom Invest / Rom Invest Market /Rom Invest Market Invest | https://user.rominvest-market.org/login | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Binary Index Trade | www.binaryindextrade.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.youtrade-ecsa.com | www.youtrade-ecsa.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.fayinvest.com | www.fayinvest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Bloxinvest | www.blox-invest.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Ecurex Gmbh | www.ecurex.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Supercoin Growth | www.supercoingrowth.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Kesslerkoch | www.kesslerkoch.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
www.capitalsecuritiesgroup.com | www.capitalsecuritiesgroup.com | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
Pixton A.G. | https://pixton.ch | FINMA - Suiza | 04-03-2024 |
TradeVision365 | https://www.tradevision365.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Oakwell Capital Partners | www.oakwellcp.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Paramonventures | www.paramonventures.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Stockfinance | www.stockfinance.online | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
White Fordville Consultancy Group | www.whitefordvilleconsultancygroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Bitfxpro.us | www.bitfxpro.us | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Lost Fund / Lostfund.pro | https://lostfund.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
First Chartered Uk | www.firstchartereduk.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Tricaptrade | www.tricaptrade.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Elltrades Ltd | www.elltradesltd.net | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Sigma Brokers / Sigmabrokers.pro | https://sigmabrokers.pro/ | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Eastmidlandfinservicesltd.co.uk | https://www.eastmidlandfinservicesltd.co.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Wlt Guarantee | www.wltguarantee.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Milan Group Tech Ltd | www.milantechnologyltd.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Gemliteassetsltd | www.gemliteassetsltd.org | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Surgehub.Uk | www.surgehub.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Wxjtss Group | www.wxjtssgroup.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Unitrade Market | www.unitrademarket.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Smart Balance Quantization Ltd | www.smartbalance.pro | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Money Tt International Ltd | www.moneytt.info | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Hotbglobal Finance Limited | www.hotbgl.io | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Gbfx International | www.gbfx-intl.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Ddse Technology Limited | www.ddse.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
C-Supremetrade / Crypto-Supremetrade | www.cryptosupreme.online | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Assetoptionsgp.com | www.assetoptionsgp.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Meygen Holdings | www.meygenholdingltd.co.uk | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Desmond Capital Ltd | https://www.desmondtop.com/en/ | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Realtorschain | www.realtorschain.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Abnbitfx | www.abnbitfx.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Goldengate Ltd | www.goldengate.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Global-Asset/Global-asset.ltd | https://global-asset.ltd | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Globalasset | https://globalassetlimited.com | CONSOB - Italia | 04-03-2024 |
Mastertradernft | www.mastertradernft.com | CONSOB - Italia |